Telepathy, the invitation of the new age

    The world is inevitably being tuned to a new frequency, especially 432Hz. The new era invites us to observe the subtlety of everything and everyone, the energy, the vibrations.

    Regardless of this new frequency that we are all doomed to, a “material” example of this concept is telepathy, which has always existed on Earth, consciously or not. Absolutely from the beginning some beings already had perceptions on the subject.

    So today, with technologies and tools, we can indeed prove that telepathy exists and that it is real. Even though our eyes cannot see, many ears hear, and in essence many feel this vibration that comes from our thoughts, so that an intuition arises, an access to this mental frequency.

    We can say that it is about spiritual communication and, in essence, without belief or spirituality, vibrational communication or communication to the new age. So the emotional field is much more open and people are much more sensitive. The invitation is this observation to capture such telepathy.

    It gets much easier with relatives and close people. To believe and make another stray, are you going to say that you never thought about someone and then received a phone call? Or you dreamed of a conversation or alert, and then an event as in the dream occurred.

    In theory, this communication, being vibrating and energetic, is capable of accessing other beings and other fields or dimensions besides beings here on the physical plane, as well as people, animals, flowers, plants, gnomes or elves. From there comes the observation to see what the world wants to say to us, what nature wants to say — yes, she speaks.

    But besides the love with everything and everyone, when this communication begins to happen, what would be positive in such a daily practice? Ah, finally, with this perception we are naked in front of beings, with our thoughts open to everyone, such perceptions bring us discipline and self-control to have good thoughts and to regulate what we think, because we feel that in fact this energy goes, and what it will bring back is the law of action and reaction.

    Telepathy, the invitation of the new age
    Rebe Pascual / Unsplash

    From there, the new era becomes much clearer and cleaner, because we are destined to live in a collective conscience. We live in a community and those who already feel all this feel bad with other people's bad thoughts, because the energy disorder of thoughts of a society affects the whole, so suddenly you find yourself anxious, with an anxiety that is not yours, with obsessive thoughts that are not yours. are yours, understand? Migraines, due to all this collective energy of negative thoughts.

    Therefore, with information on evolution and growth, we have the obligation to practice telepathy to feel all this in our skin, and as we regulate ourselves, we can harmonize our environment, prospecting a more beautiful and clear horizon, and with the exalted virtues there is no place for bad thoughts.

    There are practices that help us regulate thoughts, such as meditation, yoga and sports to get out of mental cells, but the exercise of transporting thoughts with telepathy is very important too, to feel this collective energy movement. This magnetism, EMF field, exists in everything and everyone, and this energy vibrates positively or negatively, as well as with good or bad words. Its frequency is also real and interferes with the environment.

    What can we create with good thoughts? A new era deserves impetus and motivation. Despite all the trials we are going through, good days are ahead and the transformation is very different from what we have been living for so long. Things are simply in motion, everything and everyone, and creation starts with our thoughts.

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    The invisible world exists. Many endangered beings or legends decided to abdicate matter and jump to another dimension so as not to suffer the material damages in which we live, but they exist and coexist with us. I myself have heard nature elementals laughing under the earth and birds playing talk, as well as animals responding with looks or movements, intuition and telepathy.

    Let's access our infinite potential to give wings to the light of our being, of all beings, to feel and live all this frequency that is alive and interferes with everything that happens. Try talking to the roses, feel the answer, feel life speaking to you. There is much more to life than we can imagine. This access is only up to you and your dreams, so allow yourself to go beyond the horizon and history that you know.

    Gratitude! May all beings be happy. namaste

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