Symptoms caused by the energies of the moment

Beloved! We are entering more and more into the depth of full light. That's so much photonic energy sent toward Earth since 2012 that it's coming in in the form of intermittent waves. If that energy came all at once, we would be pulverized instantly. But the Universe is wise and has its own laws that govern the worlds and life.

These waves come in sequences and in a crescent, for our body to withstand. It is like a plant that is crooked; if we want to straighten it, we need to do it little by little and carefully so as not to break it.

Thus, our planet is being “straightened out” from its energetic anomalies to which it was subjected.

These waves are being continuous.

Interspersed occasionally with bigger waves, they demand the most of our resistance. We had on 21/01/19 a big wave coming from the Galactic Central Sun. It served for the ultimate anchoring of light on Earth. The mass meditation during that day's lunar eclipse reached and surpassed by 3 times the critical mass of consciousness connected with this intention.

From there until March 21st, that is, the autumnal equinox for the Southern Hemisphere, this energy is forming islands of light inaccessible to any dark force. Gradually, they grow, as more awakened people flock to them. And as they grow, they join each other, occupying the spaces that were once the shadows.

This magnetic force of light, which comes from above downwards, is meeting with the magnetic force of high vibration that comes from the interior of the Earth (Agharta). This is called compression. This compression increases every day, and when these two forces meet, the event will occur.

The more light that reaches Earth, the greater the pressure. And the greater the pressure, the less space the shadows will have. This is also provoking an unbridled rush of discarnate spirits and, above all, an immeasurable despair on the part of incarnates who take pleasure in them. There's nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.

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Symptoms caused by the energies of the moment

Observe the events, especially those related to the Old Power. The entire Dark Cabal is being dismantled. The surprises will be bigger every day.

But what drives me to write today's text is the need to clarify something regarding the strange symptoms that many are having.

Obviously, the entry of this intense energetic flow is clearing the old energies that still have some record in our cellular memories. In that sense, everyone has their own "scape valve". It is the part of the body that feels exactly where it is being released. It can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Pains in any part of the body, emotional maladjustments, feelings of mental disturbance or discouragement and doubts with your current beliefs.

The physical symptoms have been going on for a long time. They no longer worry most of you. Others are more recent and therefore generate some concern.

This weekend, for example, we had a peak of light so strong that it made the Schumann Scale reach the highest vibration since it was created, more than 70 years ago.

This elevation of vibrations provoked a new symptom. Many people have had the impression of losing consciousness for short periods. But nothing to worry about, as from today it will stabilize again.

Symptoms caused by the energies of the moment

Another very interesting symptom is a feeling of anguish.

It causes a certain discouragement and a feeling of helplessness. At certain times, we may feel like giving up on everything we are doing. This is related to our subconscious. Our higher self knows that we are each day closer to the End of the Third Dimension Cycle. This anguish is nothing more than the anxiety that our spirit feels. He is in a hurry, for he has traveled so many millennia to, finally now, reach the end of this great marathon, which was the school under the veil of oblivion.

We are also adapting to what comes in March. The next month will be remarkable in terms of energies. What we can know so far is that we should pay attention to the 3rd, 8th and 9th. We will have very strong waves of more light there. But all this is wonderful, despite the symptoms. Our bodies are being adapted to the Fifth Dimensional energies. These symptoms, as we adjust, disappear.

Something great is also expected for the days around 21/03 (equinox). By the anticipated information, there will be another great wave of conscience awakening. As the information comes in in more detail, I will pass it on to you here. This 21/03 wave is directly related to the 21/01 meditation.

Important events are in the queue to be presented to humanity. Not everyone will notice. But you who are awake or awakening will know how to identify them. 

Good omens are on the horizon! This makes us very happy!

Symptoms caused by the energies of the moment

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment.

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