Start meditating at home

Meditation is an ancient technique capable of making human life easier, combining physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional benefits.

Through it it is possible to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and solve problems of all kinds. In addition to being able to connect with what is most beautiful and sacred inside you.

Meditation is fundamental to our self-knowledge and well-being.

The harmony in the life of those who meditate becomes evident and nothing fairer than wanting to do it in the comfort of home. However, meditating at home requires much more dedication than it appears. Precisely because we are cozy, we think we don't need a moment focused on our Inner Self.

If you want to make your home an ideal temple for meditation, you're going to need some care.

Step 1 – Adapting the environment

Creating a meditation space is critical. Choose the place you like the most in your house, preferably where you can't hear too much noise and where you like to stay for a long time. Usually people choose the room, but if there is a garden, contact with nature can favor meditation.

Step 2 – Adapting

Sit comfortably, always trying to keep your spine straight, if you prefer, you can put a pillow, rug or anything else to favor your comfort.

Step 3 – Stimuli

If you feel the need for some external stimulation, you can customize your meditation space, placing candles, flowers, images or music to help with concentration. Some experts claim that fasting before meditating helps in the quest for self-knowledge.

Step 4 – Focus

Meditation needs to be a daily exercise to be effective. Create a fixed schedule and focus during the time you make yourself available to complete this step in your quest for self-knowledge. Being strict with yourself in the first few days is essential for you to get used to this routine on a daily basis.

Start meditating at home
cottonbro / Pexels

Practice time:

  • When meditating, there is nothing more important than the way you sit, this is how you will feel more relaxed.
  • At that moment don't worry about the outside world, it just doesn't exist. Focus on the moment and tell your mind that you are busy.
  • Timing the time you meditate is important, we don't want you to spend hours thinking about life or losing focus on what really makes a difference in your mind.
  • Surrender to the experience, don't allow your mind to wander, allow yourself to get in touch with your deeper Self through breathing and tranquility.
  • Inhale, breathe and relax. With eyes closed, life is much easier. Your only commitment is to the here and now.
  • Take the time to see what's going on in your mind, let it slowly slow down.
  • Be sure to pay attention to signs that indicate a way out of a problem.
  • Chant mantras, let your voice connect with your mind

Before closing, understand that this is just one process among many that you will need to do to truly feel at peace.

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At first you will have ordinary difficulties to relieve tension, the mind is electric and goes through our records of everything, non-stop. Don't fight what you feel or think, find balance in the midst of your chaos.

Remember that meditation is finding yourself, getting in touch with yourself and your desires and finding your light in the midst of darkness.

That's it, have a good meditation!

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