Spiritual cleansing with coarse salt

“I need a bath of rock salt” is what we hear some people say when they report negative things about their lives, such as a streak of bad luck, lack of energy, difficulties sleeping or any other issue that may involve the interference of others. bad spiritual energies in their lives.

After all, we are constantly exchanging energies with the environment and with the people around us, so it is common that from time to time we contaminate ourselves with some negative vibes that affect not only our moods, but that can even hinder our achievements and achievements.

That's why it's important to maintain our energies and put in our routine a day to take a bath with thick salt to clean from our field what no longer serves us. Want to know more about the magical rock salt? Then follow us in this article!

Coarse salt and energy cleansing

Ancient peoples already had ways of using rock salt to their advantage. The caboclos, for example, usually put a line of salt on the doorstep to ward off the evil eye and avoid unwanted visitors. In Japan, the salt line at the door is also common, but they do it when the unpleasant visitor leaves, to clean the energies that they may have left in the environment.

Spiritual cleansing with coarse salt
Castorly Stock / Pexels

This element is so powerful for cleaning energies because it is a crystal formed by two particles, one positive (chlorine) and another negative (sodium), which when combined can provide energy balance. When this crystal is dissolved in water, these particles are released and are free to clean everything that is in excess in the environment or in our body.

benefits of coarse salt

Although its main power is the neutralization of energies, coarse salt also has other benefits, such as:

  • It removes the energy of gossip and envy, eliminating them completely;
  • Enhances spiritual cleansing;
  • Open paths;
  • Neutralizes the body's electricity;
  • Discharge bad energies and relax;
  • Balances the energies of an environment or people after a fight;
  • Clears the negative energies of the environment.

coarse salt bath

And when we talk about coarse salt for spiritual cleansing, the first thing that comes to our mind is baths, after all, in addition to being simple to do, they are very powerful.

This bath is indicated to cleanse from our aura all the negative energy absorbed during the days, as well as cutting the negative energy ties between us and other people that may be disturbing our life.

Therefore, the thick salt bath works by cleaning all these negative energy cords, all the dense masses of energy created by ourselves and also all the negative energy that we absorb from environments and other people.

But some care needs to be taken because as coarse salt neutralizes energies, including positive ones, so it is always important to take a bath or an energy revitalization technique after using coarse salt, to fill the field with good energies, otherwise you You may feel low the next day.

How to take a thick salt bath?

Boil 1 to 2 liters of water and add a tablespoon of coarse salt. Cover the pan and leave the water there for a while. When the salt pebbles dissolve and the water is lukewarm, it's time to shower.

Spiritual cleansing with coarse salt
al62 / Getty Images / Canva

After taking your hygiene bath, take the thick salt bath, hold it in your hands carefully and, in your own way, say a prayer asking your guardian angels to bless that bath and that, through it, the negative energies in you are cleansed and your field is rebalanced. If you already know or have a preference for another prayer to say before bathing, feel free to do it too.

Then, throw the bath from the neck down, envisioning your entire body being cleansed.

Preferably, bathe before bed and in the morning, take a revitalizing bath with rosemary.

Enhance your bath

If you want to feel the immediate effects of cleansing and revitalization, you can enhance the thick salt bath with herbs such as basil, rosemary itself and lavender.

To do this, just add a handful of each herb when you put the coarse salt in the boiling water. The other steps remain the same.

Coarse salt to purify environments

If your home, office or business is receiving unwanted visitors frequently, if things are breaking easily or fights are constantly happening, these can be some signs that the environment is in need of purification and, luckily, rock salt too. is useful for this cleaning. The way it acts in the environment follows the same principles that we explained about the use of coarse salt in our body, so just follow the recipes below and the environment will be clean!

Coarse salt cleaning spray

In a spray bottle, put a liter of alcohol and a spoon of coarse salt. Mix well and let the liquid sit for 24 hours. Then just spray the mixture on the top four corners of each room, starting at the back of the house and going all the way to the door.

While spraying, try to visualize the environment being totally clean and purified. When doing this, be careful that the solution does not get into your eye.

Pot of coarse salt to absorb negative energies

Spiritual cleansing with coarse salt
HandmadePictures / Getty Images / Canva

In a glass or glass container, put coarse salt and water. As you do this, envision your guides and protectors using the energy of that mixture to assist in the energetic cleansing of the environment. Finally, just leave it on the left side of the front door or in another safe place.

This water should be changed every month, or sooner if it starts to turn too yellow. Discard the water in the toilet and imagine that the energetic dirt is going away forever.

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Finally, there are countless ways to use rock salt in energy cleanses. In addition to those mentioned here, there are other simpler alternatives, such as soaps with thick salt and herbs that make bathing easier or incense with thick salt, which also purify and energize the environment. So when you're feeling drained again, just use the power of this powerful yet so simple element to revitalize your energies!

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