Ritual for the Spring Equinox

At the equinox, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are equally illuminated by the Sun. The word “equinox” itself is a translation of the Latin for “aequus” and “noxs” which means “equal nights”. At this time of year, the Sun crosses the Equator, and day and night are equally 12 hours long. Therefore, the spring equinox is defined as the instant when the solar orbit crosses the Celestial Equator. And from then on, the days will get longer, and the temperature of the hemisphere in question will get hotter and hotter.

In the Southern Hemisphere, where España is located, the spring equinox is celebrated between the 20th and 24th of September. It marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, a time when the colors and sounds of nature reappear and life is renewed, reminding us that, no matter how severe the winter, the sun will always shine again.

Spring equinox celebrations date back to very ancient times. Pagan peoples, such as the Celts, celebrated the transition from winter to spring with offerings to the goddess of fertility. After all, spring represented the rebirth of flora and fauna, a time when seeds would germinate again and food would no longer be scarce.

The Ostara Ritual: Balancing the Energy of the Sun and Moon

Ostara is the goddess of fertility, rebirth and renewal in various mythologies such as Norse, Celtic and Germanic. In the Ostara Ritual, the balance between the forces of nature is celebrated, given that the equinox is the exact moment when opposites are in tune and energies complement each other.

Ostara is the greatest symbol of spring, and since at this time of year the animals resume their outdoor activities, this would also influence the flow of energy on Earth. Therefore, we must take the opportunity to celebrate the reawakening of nature and spread good feelings so that life continues to flourish with vigor.

The spring equinox can be seen as an opportunity for renewal, to leave difficulties behind and keep thoughts positive and joyful with the arrival of the new season! This is a time of harmony, hope and healing, ideal for performing rituals in search of prosperity.

The Ostara Ritual is about all of that! Balance, harmony, beauty and joy. With the arrival of spring, we take the opportunity to celebrate the beauty of life and thank mother nature for this cycle that begins.

Ritual for the Spring Equinox
Gábor Juhász / Unsplash

The main symbols of the Ostara Ritual are flowers, colored eggs and milk. Next, understand more about these elements within the ritual.

The symbols of Ostara

The eggs

They symbolize fertility. In the ritual, the eggshells are painted in various colors, designs, symbols and shapes, and the eggs are placed on an altar for worship. The traditional colors to honor Ostara are mainly gold and yellow – the sacred solar colors. Afterwards, prayers are said, and the eggs are thrown into a fire or buried as an offering to the goddess, who will bring fertility for the new season.

The flowers

They are the greatest symbol of Ostara, as it is in spring that they bloom and show their colors. Flowers represent renewal, the cycle of life and the beauty of nature. It is recommended to collect them and place them on an altar. It is also customary to make cakes using honey as the main ingredient and offer them to the goddess, placing them on the altar and then in nature.

The milk

It represents the nutrition of the goddess, as it is the essential food for the development of life, being a source of renewal. To attract good energies to her life, offer a jug of milk to Ostara, leaving it on the same altar along with the other symbols. Then you can bathe yourself from the neck down with milk, or even water the plants and beds in your house, to attract good energy and joy to your home.

The Ostara Ritual can extrapolate ancient traditions, fitting very well into our culture. Take advantage of the spring equinox to pick or buy flowers to decorate your home. Flowers bring joy and a freshness to environments. Also take advantage of this time to connect with nature, planting flowers or a plant of your choice.

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In relation to eggs, exercise creativity and carry out a playful activity with the children, in order to bring the family together. Decorate the shells, painting them yellow and gold (the colors of Ostara, as we said), in addition to green, orange, pink and other very beautiful and vibrant colors. If you prefer, just use the eggshells as fertilizer to strengthen your plants and thank spring for its bounty and beauty.

Celebrating spring is celebrating the renewal of life! The purpose of this and other spring equinox rituals is to have the opportunity to become aware of the spectacle that is life and to give thanks for the new season. It is also a reminder to reconnect with nature and elevate our spirituality. Celebrate the arrival of spring in different ways. Find the one that makes the most sense for you and welcome the flower season!

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