Rescue: Discover These Powerful Healing Flowers

Known as "drops of well-being", Rescue is a floral used to treat emergencies of the soul. He was created by Dr. Edward Bach, who, by studying people's behavior in depth, began his work by detailing the 12 basic human behaviors and then discovering the 12 florals that were capable of healing - calling them the "Twelve Healers".

Bach created the first Rescue formula, made up of just three components, Clematis, Rock Rose and Impatiens, and used it for the first time on a nearly lifeless fisherman.

When the doctor put some Rescue in his mouth, the man started to recover and by the next day he was cured. For this reason, the floral has that name, translated into Portuguese “Rescue”, and is indicated for people who suffer from anxiety, fear or who face emotional crises in which there is practically nothing else to do. Read on and learn more about this powerful floral!

What is Floral Rescue used for?

Rescue is indicated to “calm the soul”. Currently, it is composed of five essences that act directly on the emotional balance of the human being and serve to treat specific areas. See each one:

Impatiens: essence of "loneliness", this floral is used to relieve feelings of frustration, irritation and promote patience. It is suitable for people who get irritated easily and end up withdrawing from their social circle;

Clematis: essence of “disinterest in the present”, it is indicated to help people who live dreaming but never achieve anything. It turns human interest to the present and seeks to free itself from future fantasies;

Rescue: Discover These Powerful Healing Flowers
Silviarite / Pixabay

Rock Rose: essence of "fear", acts directly on feelings of panic and despair. It is indicated in the treatment of people who find it difficult to have a common routine life because of the dominant panic and fear that usually afflict their daily lives;

Star of Bethlehem: essence of "despair", helps those who feel inconsolable because of past or present traumas;

Cherry Plum: also the essence of "fear", helps in the fear of emotional, mental and physical lack of control.

The union of all these essences is used to calm, balance and calm an individual who suffers from lack of control and disorders caused by excessive fear, panic, sadness, impatience, stress, among many other factors that usually destabilize an individual.

Is Floral Rescue Good for Anxiety?

Yea! This floral has essences that act directly on the sensations of fear, dread, despair and panic. It is suitable for any future situation, such as exams, tests, interviews, among others, as well as a way to relieve anxiety caused by uncomfortable situations that occur in the present — as well as the fears resulting from the reflection of the events of our daily lives. .

How long does it take for the floral to start doing?

As Rescue is an emergency floral, it doesn't take long to take effect. You may feel an improvement in your symptoms within minutes of taking it. But it is important to remember that it is only made for moments of immediate difficulties and should be ingested for a maximum of two days. If your symptoms persist after this period, see a therapist for an assessment of your emotions.

Where to find Floral Rescue?

Currently, this floral can be found in pharmacies, health food stores and even on internet sites. But, before buying it, you should look for a floral pharmacist so that he can prepare the exact formula and explain the correct way to use this medicine.

Rescue: Discover These Powerful Healing Flowers
PicsbyFran / Pixabay

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Rescue is a floral that helps relieve emergency symptoms, but you always need to seek medical help. This medication does not replace psychiatric treatments, much less other types of prescription drugs. Take care of your mind, your sensations and always keep an eye on what prevents you from living well and peacefully!

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