Renewing Energies for the New Year

Promises, changes in habits, end of cycle and renewed hope: this is how many people start a new year. In short, the idea is to leave behind the past year and those energies of the past, focusing on what the future has to offer!

But it's no use tearing up the page of the year that was left behind in the calendar and simply thinking that the renewal of energies will fall into your lap. So, to help this renewing energy to revolutionize your life, you can perform some spiritual practices that can contribute. Check out some of them!

herbal baths

Herbal baths are great for cleaning and renewing our energies because they literally wash our body! The idea here is that you take your shower normally, sanitizing yourself like any other day, and then throw a mix of herbs and ingredients on your body, which we will bring you below.

Renewing Energies for the New Year
Alena Ozerova / Canva

In addition, it is important that you do not rinse your body again after throwing the herbs on yourself and also that, during the process, you think about positive things - and, from the negative, just the desire to get rid of what bothers you.

Check out which ingredients you can use in your mix and why:

  • Rosemary: brings joy and prosperity.
  • Mint: it increases confidence and mood, as well as being a powerful stimulant.
  • Lavender: is responsible for bringing calm, tranquility and harmony in this mix.
  • Basil: It is an herb that promotes unity and harmony in the home and family.
  • Honey: stimulates sweetness and sensitivity in our lives.
  • Sal grosso: It is a powerful protector, in addition to cleaning the negative energies that have taken up residence.
  • Sage: elevates spiritual energy and encourages wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Chamomile: calms, soothes and promotes focus and concentration.

the big cleaning

Yes, you need to take care of your spiritual health with an herbal bath and other practices that we will present below. However, you also need to take care of your home, the environment where you live, so that only good and positive energies enter this place that should be of rest and harmony.

So, when the end of the year is approaching, it's time to roll up your sleeves and do a big cleaning! Open cupboards, drawers, folders, boxes and everywhere else you might be storing things that are no longer (or never had) use, getting rid of everything you will no longer use, to make room for the new – symbolic and literally.

Take advantage of the cleaning to organize the wardrobe and analyze if it is not possible to donate some clothes to people in need. That way, in addition to promoting your cleaning, you start the year with an attitude of generosity and charity.

blowing cinnamon

Renewing Energies for the New Year
KellyvanDellen / Canva

An oriental tradition says that we should blow a handful of cinnamon on the door of the house, from the outside in, to invite good energies and vibrations to enter and remain. You can do this every beginning of the month, but if you do it at the beginning of the year, the impact can be quite beneficial for this long cycle that begins.

Reset your priorities

Toward the end of the year, but before the turn of the year, dedicate at least 1 hour or 1 hours a day to meditation/reflection. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes, maintaining silence and paying attention to your breathing only.

Separate your life into the following areas: family, social (friends), love, work and profession, study, self-knowledge, finances, health and leisure. Go reflecting on each of these sectors, one by one, thinking about what you would like to change, eliminate or invite to these areas of your life.


Have you heard about Ho'oponopono, that Hawaiian sequence that exudes love, gratitude and forgiveness? It's simple: just start a meditation in a comfortable position and then repeat the following words: “I'm sorry. Forgive me. I love you. I am grateful”.

By repeating these expressions several times, you express your gratitude to the Universe, as well as manifest your forgiveness and your love, inviting only positive and good energies for the year ahead.

decree letter

Renewing Energies for the New Year
alan64 by Getty Images / Canva

This is a good option for making a commitment to yourself. Once you've turned within and communicated with your god or belief, making a commitment, it's time to write a letter of decree for yourself. Then write more or less the following:

“I, NAME, undertake to pursue the objective of (say here the OBJECTIVE) in this coming year. By the date of XX/XX, I intend to have progressing XXX in this project/to have it finished. I ask for help from the forces that rule the world and I thank you for this cycle that ends now and is left behind.”

spiritual temple

How long has it been since you went to a temple to attend a ceremony? Whatever your religion, attending a holy temple and listening to a person who is dedicated to studying a religion is a true gift. So don't leave it for later, go have an encounter with the mystical forces that command the Universe, according to the religion you believe in.

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These are just some spiritual and self-knowledge practices that you can practice on the eve of the end of the year to promote a great cleaning in the current energy, with the aim of welcoming with open arms the new energies that will surely arrive when the year turns and more. a cycle begins. Happy New Year — and may it be the best year of your life!

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