Reassess what good life has brought you so far

    “Time passes, time flies… and is your life… still in good shape?” Ok, ok, I confess that the sentence above is part of one of the biggest and most striking advertising jingles in España, but answer this for me: is your life still good or not?

    Here we come to the most delicious season of the year, which makes us reflect on the harvest of what we planted in the last months of our lives. We are in Autumn, the intermediate season between the intensities of summer and winter. Days and nights stay the same and the climate is mild, which cools down until winter arrives. This process, for us, is to reevaluate absolutely everything that life has brought us to date.

    As the first day of Autumn is the 20th, this number brings the following messages:

    2 – The power of intuition and the sensitivity of listening to the Inner Self;

    0 – The internal change that takes place to transform;

    20 – The power to weigh everything and make conscious choices.

    See, therefore, that even the numerology of the day carries the same message as the season of the year.

    Reassess what good life has brought you so far
    Gatisography / Pexels / Canva

    Let's go back to the initial question of the article: How is your life today? Are you still doing well or will you need to weigh the facts to make conscious choices? Understand that every reappraisal process calls for balance to weigh what was good and let go of what was bad. When we do this, we are being honest and conscientious to know that a decision will be needed.

    The good things we celebrate and give thanks. The bad situations we thank and let go, leaving only the learning. The best thing about this process is the certainty that we will not pay a high price, but rather, we will pay the price we are willing to follow.

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    So it is in nature. I invite you, then, to enter this process of introspection along with the season. Feel your life. Don't blame yourself, don't fall into suffering and don't let yourself stagnate in life. Just answer yourself: what is it worth to stay in good shape?

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