Radionic Table Course. How to choose the best for you?

Radionic Table Course. How to choose the best for you?

If you haven't used a radionic table yet, you will still be led to this. More than a fad, the energy intervention technique promises to open up large markets in this virtual technology.

The radionic table is a board where the ordered symbols, guided by a technique of mental intervention, activate their frequencies in favor of some energetic problem, dissolving it. A pendulum is used to operate it.

In a world where we have the language of energy, vibrations, therapies, the radionic table reigns, a technique that can assertively collect, couple, tune and distribute energies.

The names seem very difficult, but the technique itself is very simple, any trained person can operate, requiring no special skills. However, the more knowledge, the greater the scope. Very useful for private use in therapists' offices.  

There are a lot of tables on the market, you have to choose very well which course you are going to take, so that it is not a disastrous and frustrating experience. And like everything else, there are very good formations and others not so much.  

Radionic table is chosen by tuning. Here are some helpful tips to make a good choice:  

Visual tuning

Type in your search page RADIONIC TABLE and choose the option 'images'. Look carefully at the photos that appear, scroll slowly and feel them all, then start again and observe the details, which table did you feel attracted to? Access the website of the chosen table and see the course proposal.

* The first tuning is done by the image.

logical tuning

Find the following criteria: what is the name of the table, what is its proposal, and who is the creator or minister. If it is not the creator who teaches the course, find out if the chosen person has his authorization to teach.

*There are dozens of tables that are just copies of copies. If you couldn't identify the name, the creator, or you don't have the programmatic content of the course, be suspicious of this training. The serious professional is not afraid to introduce himself. Put your CV and photo, and is taking over your job. No need to hide behind avatars.

emotional attunement

Try to watch your minister talking on YouTube, and see if his way, the words, the way he addresses himself are in line with his beliefs, if he conveys confidence and if he feels sympathy. Pay attention to the truths offered, learn to feel with your heart, if you didn't feel safe, it's good to research a little more.

* Follows the same rule of logic tuning.

Espiritual tune

The vast majority of radionic tables, although they are called quantum, are based on some spiritual egrégore, try to find out if it is the same as yours.

*Humans are classified by levels of consciousness, so are tables. Being in tune with the technique is very important. And within this technique, faith is an essential factor (if you choose a table with spiritual egregors). There are also those that are more universalistic or mental, where faith is not an important factor, but technique and consciousness itself. Find the one that speaks to your heart.


Once you've chosen your course, now's the time to get to the technical part. You will make an investment, so don't be shy to ask and ask for the course schedule and conditions.

  • Are the table and other possible materials already included in the price?
  • Do you have valid certification?
  • Do you have support in case of doubts?
  • Do you have an online option if you can't go in person?

If you went through all this, now you are more confident with your decision. Make your reservation and be careful when choosing the pendulum (give preference to the most resistant ones).

Course tips

Freedom of thought is a key factor in this technique, as well as respect, love and acceptance. If you feel something different from that, go back to point 1 and start again, trying to find out where you went wrong so you don't repeat the mistake in the new choice.

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