Pythagorean Numerology: The Science That Reveals Your Life Purpose

    Studied 600 years ago by the philosopher Pythagoras, Pythagorean Numerology is an ancient science that studies and interprets the influences of numbers on human life.

    The numbers are not tangible, but pure energy. From your registered name and your date of birth, we were able to calculate the 14 energy vortex numbers that appear in your Natal Numerology Chart.

    Our cosmic agreement is made only of the positive polarity, but as we have free will, without self-knowledge we can change the route, and the consequences will come in the form of diseases, frustrations, accidents and others.

    Did you know that in our lives there is a number that is our flag, and its energy is present in our decisions, our actions and our choices?

    Yea! By the date of birth we can discover our destiny and we have a sense of whether or not we are on our right path.

    Being on the right path of YOUR DESTINY can ensure your prosperity, good relationships and the understanding of your personal power. After all, do you know who you are and what you came to do in this life?

    How to calculate your CD (destiny path/life purpose)? This number comes to inform us of our real purpose. It's like a flag that we carry everywhere. We have to make it positive, because if it is negative, the Natal Numerological Map will be blocked:

    Example โ€” Date of birth reduced to one digit only:



    5 + 7 + 9 = 21

    2 + 1 = 3


    This number shows a person who likes to communicate, is cheerful, outgoing, likes to party and appreciate his beauty. He has creativity and imagination, always socializes and makes friends with everyone around him.

    What can you know from the numbers on your Natal Numerological Map?

    Pythagorean Numerology: The Science That Reveals Your Life Purpose
    RODNAE Productions / Pexels / Canva
    • Your Destiny Path (life purpose);
    • How are you;
    • How do people see you?
    • What motivates your attitudes;
    • Life cycles you have already lived or will go through;
    • The role of your family in your life;
    • Your dreams;
    • How to overcome your challenges;
    • More assertive professions to achieve success and prosperity;
    • How to improve your relationships;
    • What is the way of prosperity;
    • How to get over your past traumas.

    Through numerical calculations performed by your registration name and your date of birth, the 14 energy vortex numbers that make up your life are mathematically calculated. We are not a single feature, but a set of information.

    Also through Pythagorean Numerology, we do calculations for Business Numerological orientation, since the company has no soul, and it is the people who are working in it who produce the results.

    If employees and/or guardians are not doing well (emotionally and physically), activities and production will be directly affected, as they will not produce as they should, and this will harm the company. Through this numerical evaluation, we are able to evaluate the company's productive body, whether they are in the correct position "TAP" (type of professional activity to be developed), as well as "AVP" (absence of positive vibration), as well as if the Company property number is a prosperous number.

    All of this directly influences financial and business results.

    The field of Pythagorean Numerology is vast. From the numbers we can judge whether the team has numbers that match each other (fit together) at both the business and family level. Sometimes the workgroup doesn't work or the couple doesn't understand each other because they have nothing in common, and by the person's mathematical calculations we can clearly visualize this.

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    In the educational area, Pythagorean Numerology can help parents and educators to understand difficult situations that children and/or adolescents are going through and how to reverse the situation.

    Everything around us is energy and we are surrounded by numbers everywhere and in every situation we share daily: musical lyrics, license plates, property numbers and daily measurements that are part of our day. Calculations accompany us in everything. Numbers are energies and every day we live with the energetic vibration of a number. So what is the reason for not knowing how to interpret them? Here's the tip!

    This text was written by Silvia Regina Fernandes, ASITEQ associate numerologist.

    Contact: 55 (18) 99745-5958

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