Pyrite: Expanding Our View of the Flow of Abundance!

    Today I would like to talk a little about this crystal that is very well known by mineral lovers. Golden in color and relatively easy to find, pyrite is informally known by the name Ouro do Folos, because in the past miners found it and thought it was gold, but when doing a deeper analysis they discovered that it was not gold but Pyrite.

    Pyrite: Expanding Our View of the Flow of Abundance!

    Even though it is not gold, to this day we see this crystal on several altars of prosperity and much is said in the popular language that it attract money. Really? What will be the true function of this crystal? We do not intend to close this subject, but we are going to shed a little more light on the energetic characteristics of this crystal.

    Within Crystal Therapy we use Pyrite as a crystal that acts mainly on the mental body of human beings, this means that its performance is more effective when we are working on mental aspects. And it is exactly within this aspect that we have to focus in order to understand Pyrite.

    One of Pyrite's main functions is to help us expand our vision so that we can see beyond, so that we are not limited to just what we can see at the moment. It helps us to have a broader and less limited view, including expanding our expectations regarding what we expect from the universe. Extremely useful for times when we are limited in expectation of things and we end up preventing good things from reaching us, simply because we don't believe that this is possible. I explain!

    We all know that our mind has a great influence on our life. The way we think is directly linked to what we attract, and we must always be aware of our belief and thought patterns so as not to limit ourselves. If we think that life is hard, that it takes a LOT of effort to be successful, that there are no good people in the world, that money is dirty, and that “everything goes wrong with me”, naturally we are affirming all these beliefs and they will change. confirm in our lives. They are confirmed not because they are absolute truths, but because we believe in them, and thus, we will only see in the world and attract what will affirm our own beliefs.

    To get into a better flow of abundance, prosperity and health, it is necessary that we change these ways of thinking and that we understand that the Earth is a beautiful place to live and that we don't need to do ANYTHING to deserve the good things in life, just to live. Thus, Pyrite can be one of the great assistants in this process of releasing and cleaning the limiting expectations that we have, expanding our field of perception of life and reconnecting us with the abundant pattern of life.

    Abundance is in everything, nature is extremely abundant, we are afraid of losing, we hold on to things and prevent them from flowing. Of course, if we stop the flow of abundance from happening, our own lives will stagnate, simply because we are afraid of losing. With Pyrite we can go back to believing that this abundant flow really exists and we can throw away the beliefs that prevent us from following naturally with it and return to having a fuller and lighter life. It's up to you to decide which world you want to live in, change your way of thinking and you will live a new life. And on this journey, Pyrite can be a GREAT companion.

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