Planetary Transition: It's Time for Awakening

The planetary transition is the final moment of the Earth's gestation for the birth of the New World, that is, the New Age. Everything will be different, the way we relate to ourselves and others, with nature, with animals, with money, with our ancestors and with everything that encompasses human life.

Planetary Transition: It's Time for Awakening

All the energy we are receiving from the Galactic Central Sun, which sends pulses of pure love and crystalline energy throughout the galaxy, is to activate our Christ consciousness and also to assist in the quantum leap that we are collectively going through.

For a long time the planet Earth lived in the third dimension (3D). It is where matter is dense, things are heavier, the lifespan in matter is shorter and with the veil of oblivion and we plunge into the matrix, we forget who we really are.

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The planetary transition is the moment when we leave 3D and stop being a world of proof and atonement, moving to 5D, that is, a world of regeneration. The fifth dimension is not a place or an address, but the state of your consciousness. In the fifth dimension we are more open to love, to the gifts of the spirit, such as telepathy, collaboration, union, cooperation, fraternity, diversity, respect, joy, well-being, abundance, sensitivity, prosperity and merging with the Whole.

This movement of tearing the veils of illusions, leaving the matrix, letting go of the ego and seeing the truth can be challenging for some and lighter and sweeter for others. It will all depend on your awareness and resistance to the new and all the changes that are happening energetically on the planet.

Planetary Transition: It's Time for Awakening

Calm down. Look for things that make you feel good and fill your being. Meditate. Drink water. sun. Respect and welcome your process and open yourself to the new vibrations and activation that we are experiencing. All this will pass and a new world will arise.

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