Pineal gland and spirituality

Pineal gland and spirituality

It is a small gland the size of a rice, located in the center of the brain and at eye level. By producing melatonin, this gland exerts the influence of regulating the sleep cycle, sexual and reproductive activities. It is a chronobiological organ, an internal clock that acts to capture the radiations of the Sun and Moon. It obeys the circadian cycle, which corresponds to the external elements that govern the notion of time and time. The circadian cycle designates the period of approximately 24 hours on which the biological cycle of almost all living beings is based and is mainly influenced by the variation of light, temperature, tides and winds between day and night.

The pineal undergoes a process of natural calcification, reducing in size throughout its development. Based on this process, specialists were led to believe that it would be a “vestigial” organ, that is, it would disappear with evolution, but, currently, this process has been discarded. Experts, however, have not yet identified the real reason for the calcification; unlike spirituality, which has already explained the true function and importance of the pineal gland.

The spiritist view of the pineal gland

It is known as the “union” between body and spirit, known as “third eye” or “eye of conscience” in the spiritist doctrine of Allan Kardec. The doctrine states that the gland is responsible for the connection that exists between human beings and spirituality and is represented by the Egyptian eye of Horus, that is, the all-seeing eye. The gland represents the crown chakra, the main energy center of the physical body. The chakras, in turn, are points of energy that circulate through our body. We have seven main points and the pineal gland is the most important. A good third eye activation tip is to have spiritual crystals such as amethyst, lapis lazuli or sodalite. They help and are great for regulating frequency if they are linked to Yoga, good nutrition, meditations and activation mantras.

The philosopher Descartes believed in the connection of the pineal gland with spirituality. Thus, it was called the “head seat of the soul”. René was certain that the pineal would be the “seat of the soul and the body”, the organ capable of revealing spiritual impressions to our brain. His theory was that the gland would give the visual perception that the light projects, the pineal feels the projection in the electromagnetic field through which it is interfered by spirituality, which is then understood by the brain in a similar way with the interpretation of vision as the other physical senses.

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Allan Kardec's doctrine does not directly mention the pineal gland, but Kardec defined that the mediumistic process is natural, that is, it follows the physical structure of the medium, regardless of faith, belief or good will. This natural process needs a channel that produces material resources for mediumistic development, which needs a special fluid that makes the perispiritual connection between mediums and spirits, and the pineal gland would be the producer of this resource.

According to psychiatrist Dr. Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira, a follower of Descartes' ideas and André Luiz's spirit, the pineal gland would be a sensorial organ of the spiritual nature that favors the mediumistic capacity; it would be a “captor” capable of perceiving the electromagnetic waves of spirituality and converting them into neurochemical stimuli, which corresponds to the messages received from a discarnate person by a medium or a sensitive through telepathy between incarnates.

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