Or Year of 2022 not Tarot

    The year 2022 is just beginning, and the question is: How can Tarot help and guide us to have a favorable year? In this article we will unite Tarot and Numerology. You will find out the number, the ruling letter of the year and the complementary letter. Through these energies, it will be impossible not to transform this year.

    According to Pythagoras, all numbers are an energetic expression of Creation, so the Universe is understood through numerical relationships. Our name corresponds to numbers, as each letter is a number, bringing us a universal energetic signature. So it is with dates, days, months and years. Adding 2022 (2+0+2+2), we have the number 6. The number 6, according to Pythagoras, brings energy…

    In Tarot cards, the 6 is represented by the Enamorado blade. This letter is famous for reminding us of the energy of romance and love, but it goes much deeper than this simple reading. This letter does talk about love, but that love awakened through doubt. So it connects us with the energy of change generated by doubt. Surely you've had doubts about which trip to take or you've been in doubt between two loves, or even when you chose your profession. Many of us encounter dilemmas like “what is safe” versus “what I love”. This is the Lovers card, which brings from our subconscious that love that we often try to hide.

    Or Year of 2022 not Tarot
    Viva Luna Studios / Unsplash

    The complementary card is the Devil, a card often stigmatized by religious conceptions. The Devil in Tarot talks about materiality, everything that is connected to concrete life, to the Ego: good food, drinks, sex, luxuries and pleasures in general. This blade also shows us the chains of the ego imprisoning us when we are only attached to money, sex or any other material aspect as long as there is too much.

    In this sense, the year 2022 shows us that it is no longer possible for us to do anything that we do not love, that does not bring us personal satisfaction, whether at work, in personal life, in health or leisure. No matter what sector of life you are thinking about, this is the year of personal fulfillment. And this personal fulfillment will be expressed in financial gains, in a better relationship, in a more beautiful and healthy body, for example.

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    So evaluate your feelings and, if something is making you dissatisfied and unhappy, look for ways to fulfill yourself. This year is very conducive to personal fulfillment in every way. If you want my help, you can find me on the Instagram account @serplenitudetherapias. It will be an honor to be able to help you.

    kisses of light

    Magda G Silva, tarologist and holistic therapist.

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