Numerology — Everything you need to know about!

Throughout human history, the numerologia was present in different ways. Today, it is increasingly common for people to become interested in numbers and the mystical messages they can bring, especially when they appear repeatedly or at a few equal times.

In addition, it can also help us to understand our energy and personality through name numerology. Curious to know more about this incredible universe? Keep up with us in this article!

What is numerology?

Numerology is the study of numbers and how each of them can influence one's personality and destiny. This means that it is a great tool that helps in the individual, social and mundane knowledge of each individual. It also collaborates for human growth, because, knowing the prevailing qualities and defects, there is the possibility of improving them or fighting them more and more.

It seems to be something very current and technological, however this is not a recent discovery. People from ancient civilizations such as Arabs, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Mesopotamians, Romans and Sumerians already understood the power of numbers. However, it was only after Plato that numerology became a real science.

Numerology in History

A great mathematician born in the XNUMXth century BC, he earned the title of father of modern numerology. He claimed that all things in the world could be turned into numerals, in addition to being understood by them. With that, he built a table in which he could associate the letters of the alphabet with the numbers. This generated numbers for each word, leading him to associate concepts according to the results.

In addition to the scientific path, numerology also has roots in spirituality. This strand developed further in Egypt and Asia, where it was proclaimed in temples as a kind of cult. In Greece, spirituality and rationality walked together and the Greeks considered numbers to be eternal and universal, which gave more precision when studying each person.

Finally, the Hindus and Arabs followed the same path as the Greeks, but they did not believe that numbers defined the history and trajectory of human beings, but influenced them. This is exactly what continues to be preached today.

Meaning of numbers in numerology

For numerology, each number carries its own characteristics and energies. If you have a connection with a number and want to know more about it, choose it from the buttons below and you can go directly to delve into the meaning of this number.

Now, if you want to learn more about name numerology and kabbalistic numerology, stay with us in this article!

Numerology of the name: what is it and how to do it?

Current numerology consists of making people identify, through numbers, traits of their personality. The analysis is done through the name itself, in which each letter is associated with a number. To help and succeed in this process, it is essential to know how the table created by Pythagoras works, which we will teach you next.

The first step to make the table is to build 9 horizontal columns and place the numbers from 1 to 9 in their natural order of creation. Look:

  • Number 1:
  • Number 2:
  • Number 3:
  • Number 4:
  • Number 5:
  • Number 6:
  • Number 7:
  • Number 8:
  • Number 9:

Then, you must distribute the letters of the alphabet, in ascending order, in each column. When you reach the number 9, the cycle must repeat. Look:

Numerology — Everything you need to know about!
Team Me Without Borders / Canva Pro

To carry out the second step, you must reserve the table, as we will use it later. Now we will explain how numerology manages to distinguish the characteristics of each personality. This understanding comprises three aspects: interior, exterior and synthesis.

personality characteristics

O interior it consists of deciphering the essence of a person, revealing their feelings and intimacies. As much as numerology can understand, who will really get to know this side are the people who live with that someone.

O exterior reports the surface of someone. It is how the person is seen socially, in addition to indicating the first impressions that he gives to strangers.

the synthesis it is the mixture of the inside and the outside. It translates how the person behaves towards society and how he is intimately.

Built table and personality concepts understood, now just put the two together and check the results. For you to understand better, let's give an example.

How to do name numerology?

1) On a piece of paper, you must write the full name you want. In the demo, we will use the name “Eu Sem Fronteiras”.

2) Referring to the Pythagorean table and distributing the letters of the name in order, check which numbers represent each letter: E = 5, U = 3, S = 1, E = 5, M = 4, F = 6, R = 9, 0 = 6, N = 5, T = 2, E = 5, I = 9, R = 9, A = 1, S = 1.

3) To know the number of the interior, you must add the vowel numbers of the full name: 5 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 1 = 34. After that, you need to add the digits of the result to get the number of the interior. inside: 3+4 = 7.

4) To find the number from abroad, you must add the numbers of the consonants of the full name: 1 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 9 + 1 = 37. After that, you need to add the digits of the result: 3+ 7 = 10. The number 10 is not understood by numerology, so if the final sum falls on some number outside the table, it must be added again. With that, the number of the exterior is: 1+0 = 1.

5) To know the synthesis number, you must add the numbers of the full name: 34 + 37 = 71. After that, you will need to add the digits of the result to get the synthesis number: 7+1 = 8.

HEADS UP: numerology goes from number 1 to 9. However, there is an exception. If the numbers 11, 22 or 33 fall in the sum, it is not necessary to add them up again, as they are considered master numbers in numerology.

Once the numbers for each personality concept are defined, simply look up the definition. You can find the meaning of each number below:

Numerology — Everything you need to know about!
Photo by RODNAE Productions / Pexels

Number 1 features

  • Interior: You have a strong personality and are convinced of your feelings. He has great ease in leading people.
  • Exterior: Being a good leader, you can show signs of arrogance.
  • Synthesis: Can easily lead and guide people, but care must be taken not to be empathetic with the opinion of others.

Number 2 features

  • Inside: You are an introverted and very sensitive person.
  • Exterior: Your social behavior is defined according to the environment in which you find yourself.
  • Synthesis: She is an active and intelligent person, but needs to be positively stimulated so that she can demonstrate her gifts.

Number 3 features

  • Interior: You are extroverted, humorous, creative and good with life.
  • Exterior: Can be considered friendly, because he has no difficulty in creating affective bonds.
  • Synthesis: He is a person who manages to unite others, thanks to his ease of communication.

Number 4 features

  • Inside: Doesn't like change, but likes to keep his feet on the ground. In other words, a stabilized life is your comfort zone.
  • Exterior: It exudes confidence and credibility, and can even serve as motivation.
  • Synthesis: He is a totally responsible person, who does not like to fail to comply with what has been imposed on him. For her, mission given is mission accomplished!

Number 5 features

  • Inside: This person loves adventure, adrenaline and is not a fan of routines.
  • Exterior: Perhaps he is a difficult person to deal with, as he ends up being ironic and stubborn in his interpersonal relationships.
  • Synthesis: He likes to leave marks on the Earth, to make changes and is always questioning himself and the people around him.

Number 6 features

  • Interior: He is a very affectionate person, who puts his family first in his life.
  • Exterior: You are a person who exudes love, in addition to being very receptive and friendly.
  • Synthesis: He has an enormous ease in communicating, besides enjoying keeping traditions and always being close to his family.

Number 7 features

  • Inside: He's a shy person, but very intelligent. His knowledge ranges from the scientific to the spiritual.
  • Exterior: Because he is intelligent, he ends up having a lot of property to talk about certain subjects and this can make people move away.
  • Synthesis: He likes practicality, but has difficulty in his interpersonal relationships.

Number 8 features

  • Interior: It is governed by the pillar of justice, in addition to being sincere and objective in its affairs. She is honest and her sensitivity is extremely sensitive.
  • Exterior: He is a very motivated person, as he does not give room for laziness. They also see her as someone fair and determined.
  • Synthesis: He is always on the side of justice and is very focused on everything he does.

Number 9 features

  • Interior: You are an anxious person, who is always looking forward to getting things done.
  • Exterior: It's easy to deal with, but it can run into spikes of impatience.
  • Synthesis: Likes to be constantly evolving and to keep his mind open to knowledge and thoughts

Number 11 features

  • Interior: Your general knowledge is very vast and can be considered a box of surprises, as we never know what your next steps will be.
  • Exterior: Gains the title of mysterious and closed person.
  • Synthesis: One does not conform to standards, so what is different is always more attractive to that person.

Number 22 features

  • Interior: Loves to maintain interpersonal relationships and values ​​this very much.
  • Exterior: It is understood as a fearless and brave person, who is not afraid to face daily problems.
  • Synthesis: Effort is certainly one of your great qualities, because you don't give up until you carry out the tasks that have been imposed on you, even if they are very difficult.

Number 33 features

  • Interior: Someone who feels fulfilled when helping others.
  • Exterior: She is seen as a helpful and welcoming person, as well as very generous and kind.
  • Synthesis: It can be considered that this is a very humble individual of heart and soul, who ends up thinking about others before himself.

What is Kabbalistic Numerology?

Kabbalistic numerology has Jewish origins and is a method that derives from the numerology of Kabbalah (or Kabbalah). Unlike the numerology we have seen, which makes use of numbers to relate them to the individual, Kabbalistic numerology is associated with letters. Using it, it is possible to create numerological maps using the date of birth, the full name or both data.

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Numerology is a science that has been perpetuated in the world for centuries and has the great objective of helping people to find and understand each other. It is a true study of self-analysis that points out your strengths and weaknesses. With this information in hand, all you have to do is make the decision to develop yourself or to continue as you are.

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