Mudras, Finger Balance

    We have already seen that through breathing, by touching the palm and fingers of our hands, we are able to harmonize our vital energy. Still speaking of our hands and fingers, we can also benefit from using mudras – powerful sacred gestures.

    Mudras are postures done with the hands and/or fingers and, in poetic license, are like a prayer to connect with the divine. There are 8 simple positions of the fingers that rescue us health and tranquility. In today's article, we will see 4 of them.

    O first mudra releases stagnant/blocked energy from head to toe. It helps us when we have trouble seeing, breathing, having the drive to do things, putting things into practice promptly, or feeling frustrated.

    Mudras, Finger Balance

    • With the right thumb, hold the palm of the left middle finger and rest the other fingers on the back of this same left finger.

    Already second mudra it brings abundance, deeper breathing, clarity of hearing, comfort for the feet and eyes.

    Mudras, Finger Balance

    • Reminds me of the previous mudra, however, it's like turning the right thumb one turn. Like this? Simple! With the thumb, hold the back of the left middle finger and now the other fingers rest on the palm of this same finger.

    O third mudra calms mental and emotional disharmonies, freeing us from stress and nervous tension. Practice this mudra when you are worried, sad, nervous, out of breath or when you are always striving to please others, distancing yourself from your essence.

    Mudras, Finger Balance

    • Again, with the right thumb, hold the palm of the left ring and little finger, while the other three right fingers rest on the back of the left ring and little finger.

    And mudra room it is like a “daily cleaning” that frees us from the tiredness, tension and stress of everyday life. Reach out to it when you feel tired, insecure, overwhelmed, irritated by anything, or worried.

    Mudras, Finger Balance

    • With your right thumb, grasp the back of your left thumb, index and middle fingers. The remaining fingers of the right hand are placed on the palm of the left thumb, index and middle fingers (fig. 4).


    • In all mudras, do the opposite for the fingers of the right hand.
    • Use mudras whenever you deem necessary and whenever and as often as you wish.

    Expect the other 4 mudras next month.

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