Motivation: The Trap Against Success!

Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you felt motivated to start something and didn't follow through?

And believe! You are not the only one, you are not the first and you will not be the last. This happens every day, with millions of people all the time, everywhere. But in fact, this is not the kind of attitude of someone who wants to achieve success, whatever that may be.

Success is relative. You can succeed in your profession, you can succeed in building a family, you can succeed in achieving your ideal weight or body, or simply succeed in finding your inner peace. Success is relative! Each person defines where they want to go and what will make them feel FULFILLED.

The title of this text seems absurd, but it is the purest truth. Motivation is the biggest prank in life. She comes, wakes you up, teases you and then leaves you in the lurch, with that bunch of activities that you no longer have the slightest interest in staying dedicated.

Motivation is the beginning, but motivation alone will not get you anywhere. Motivation is an anticipation of success. It's you visualizing the event ready, beautiful and wonderful, but without calculating the entire route and preparation that will be essential to achieve your goal.

Motivation: The Trap Against Success!
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Nothing in life falls from the sky. Everything is built. Construction takes work, requires focus, persistence, resilience and especially discipline. Motivation is the beginning, it's that START, that makes you shine your eyes and put all your energy in the first 5 minutes and then...

โ€ฆ get exhausted!

This is the point. Motivation is a trap for those who cannot understand its functionality in our psyche. Motivation needs to be tamed, or it will take you from the sky to the ground in no time.

Control your motivations. Assess your motivations. Understand your motivations. And ask yourself why a certain thing has enchanted you so much.

If you start to analyze your motivations more carefully, you will certainly be able to better plan your steps and better direct your energy so that it does not run out before its time. The name of it is mind control. It's having rationality to deal with your choices, regardless of motivation, because it ends. This is a fact.

It all starts with motivation, but it only continues, through dedication, discipline and especially FOCUS. And that fits in any situation. Analyze with me:

Dating or marriage: it starts with passion, enchantment, motivation. Then this fervor passes and you start to dedicate yourself and make an effort so that the relationship remains healthy. There is still feeling, but the construction is what keeps it going. If you are in a relationship without construction, it will surely come to an end. Passion is delicious, it feels great, but it's building an ideal together that brings focus, discipline and partnership for continuity.

A new job: enchantment for being approved, personal satisfaction, approval and motivation for a novelty, 100% based on the expectations generated by you, after all, you still don't know the company. After a while, you meet nice people and others not so nice; find a boss who is rude and doesn't give you space to work; realizes that his routine is not as good as he expected; in short, several very common situations in the daily lives of many people. And it could also be the other way around. It can be an amazing job, but the enchantment passes and the construction enters. Who doesn't want to grow professionally? Build a career plan and evolve? Again, focus, discipline and dedication to build what you want comes in.

Motivation: The Trap Against Success!

And all this takes a toll! Conquering anything takes work!

If you start something out of enchantment and motivation, without analyzing the whole process, you will face frustration. After all, there is no achievement without effort. Never forget that and prepare for it. Only then will you no longer be the one to drop everything in the middle of the way, for being caught off guard. GET READY for the walk, map the obstacles and your limitations so they don't knock you down.

The secret is to mentally anticipate every effort you will have to make to achieve this goal and not the other way around. Where you want to go is important and makes you shine, but are you really ready to go through the whole step by step and journey there? What are the ways? What will be the pressures until then? Are you really willing? MAP!

Nowadays, with all the technological access we have in every corner, if you tell me you didn't know it would be like this, I'll call you lazy. Missed research!

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Currently, you can anticipate practically everything and assess whether or not it really is what you expect. If your project is to climb the highest mountain in the world, aren't you going to Google for information about it? Testimonies from who it was, the risks, the difficulties? Or if you've seen a seemingly amazing job opening on the internet, aren't you going to look up information about the company? The collaborators? If you want to start a course, aren't you going to look for videos or texts that narrate the daily routine of this professional? Or how is the day to day of the course? Nowadays you can YES anticipate all the obstacles that may arise in the middle of the way and it's only up to you to RESEARCH and MAP it all. After you've done that, you look in the mirror and ask yourself: What's up? Shall we take care of it? If yes, go ahead, but READY! And if not, no problem! You save your time, your energy, your money and go in search of something that is more aligned with your disposition and real desire!

Reflect on it! Ask yourself more questions before making a decision. Start to insert this thought pattern in your life and I am absolutely sure that you will have plenty of energy and preparation to achieve everything you want in your life.

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