Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist

Are you tired of knocking on wood to ward off negative energies? Can't stand looking for sympathy anymore to scare away the fat eye? Your problems are over. There is a way to protect yourself from bad vibes that is simple and elegant: the use of natural stones.

The crystals that nature offers us are full of positive energies. According to the characteristics of the stone, it can defend us from envy, malicious spirits and the negativity that surrounds us. Then see which are the best options for you!

5 best protection stones

If you want to protect yourself in a broad way, pushing away any kind of negative vibration that tries to affect you, the 5 stones that we separate will help you with that.

1 – Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline is the most complete energy protection stone, because it acts as a shield against all negative vibrations. You can use it on a keyring or jewelry, for example.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
Getty Images/Canva Galore

Because it is a fragile mineral, you should not wash this stone with water. To clean it, wipe it with a dry cloth. Then, to energize it, place it on a white selenite stone or on a crystal druse.

2 - Crystal

Crystal is a stone that neutralizes negative energies, transforming them into good vibrations. In druse form, he has the power to purify an environment, being the best option to protect your home.

In this case, the crystal does not need a cleansing or energizing ritual. However, it can be used to purify other stones. Therefore, it is important that you have this stone in your home, to ensure that your other crystals are vibrating positively.

3 - Hematite

Hematite is a very suitable stone for the protection of environments. The reason for this is that it dissolves negative energies and emanates the yang vibration. According to Feng Shui, this energy increases the courage and confidence of those who come in contact with it.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
Michel VIARD from Getty Images / Canva

When cleaning the hematite, you should not use water. In addition to passing a dry cloth on the surface of the stone, you can touch it to a crystal druse or a white selenite stone, to charge it positively.

4 – Malachite

Malachite is ideal for personal use, in accessories that are used frequently. The stone absorbs an individual's negative energies, allowing them to feel lighter and at peace. The crystal even helps to release hurts and resentments.

Malachite cleaning must be carried out every time the stone is used, as it is very sensitive to negative vibrations. You can leave it in running water for about three minutes, and then place it among crystals and clear stones, which will energize it.

5 – Stone of the Sun

The sun stone can be considered a protective crystal because it wards off negativity, stimulating good vibrations. Therefore, you can use it as an accessory or in an environment. However, in your workplace, avoid leaving it exposed.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
vvoevale / Canva

Another example of a self-cleaning crystal, the sunstone does not need to be sanitized or recharged. But you can intensify her powers if you place her in sunlight for about 30 minutes.

spiritual protection stones

Spiritual protection is needed when we start to lose connection with ourselves. So, if you feel that you are not in harmony with your essence, or that you are overly considering the opinion of others about your life, bet on the following crystals:

1 - Amethyst

Amethyst brings a peaceful energy to your life. When you are feeling anxiety, fear or insecurity, she can bring clarity to your thoughts, taking care of your spiritual aspect. It's a good option to put next to the bed or on a key chain.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
Jonny Lew from Pexels/Canva

Amethyst is cleaned with running water, but the crystal can also be immersed in a mixture of water and coarse salt for a few hours. To recharge it, simply expose the stone to the morning sun's rays for just five minutes.

2 – Blue kyanite

Related to the powers of the Archangel Michael, due to its blue color, blue kyanite spiritually protects those who use it. It blocks energy attacks, especially when used in accessories such as necklaces and earrings.

Fortunately, blue kyanite is so powerful that it doesn't need to be energized. Despite this, you should clean it under running water, just to remove the impurities that can accumulate on the surface of the crystal.

3 – Selenita

Selenite is responsible for protecting a person's aura, forming an energy shield around them. As a consequence of this, that individual's body is filled with light. Thus, the stone can be used in accessories or in an environment.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
Koka from Getty Images/Canva

Selenite is a crystal that does not need to be cleansed or energized. In fact, it is this stone that promotes the energization of other crystals. So it's important that you have a copy in your collection.

Stones against envy

Once you have regained the connection to your essence and your spirit is at peace, it is necessary to protect yourself from envy that may be directed at you. Know the crystals that block this type of vibration.

1 - Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz is a stone that blocks the energies that prevent you from fulfilling your dreams. That is, it is an important ally against envy. A jewelry or a key ring with this stone will help you every day.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
berkay08 / Canva

Smoky quartz is cleaned by immersing the crystal for one hour in water with coarse salt. After that period, just wash the stone in running water and leave it in the sun for about 30 minutes.

2 - Tiger's eye

Tiger's eye is the best crystal against envy and the evil eye. That's because it blocks negativity, wards off bad influences and breaks possible spells and curses. Therefore, you must wear it as an amulet.

To clean the tiger's eye, place the stone in a bowl of water and coarse salt for about an hour. Then rinse with running water and bring the crystal close to a selenite stone or a crystal druse.

3 – Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is like a mirror for negative feelings. Everything bad that a person wishes for you will be returned to him. Because it has this targeted action, you should wear the crystal in a jewelry or as a key ring.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
Stefan Malloch from Getty Images/Canva

The cleaning of black obsidian is done with running water, which can be immersed in coarse salt. However, it is critical to energize the stone afterwards, placing it in sunlight for four hours or in moonlight for six hours.

Stones against negative energy

Sometimes we feel a passing discomfort that seems to have no explanation. When this happens, it is possible that some negative energy is trying to get to us. Find out which crystals protect against this.

1 - Agate

Agate blocks the entry of negative forces into a person's energy field, strengthening the vibrations it emanates and harmonizing emotions. Therefore, it must be used in an accessory.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
bea8476 de Getty Images / Canva

Under running water, you can clean the agate easily. After carrying out this process, place the stone under the sun's rays for about an hour. If you prefer, expose the crystal to moonlight throughout the night.

2 – Red Jasper

Red jasper is an important protective crystal, which is even mentioned in the Holy Bible. He manages to dissolve negative vibrations and ward off any bad influences. So it can be used as an accessory or in the environment.

Cleaning red jasper can be done by leaving the stone in contact with the earth for an hour or by washing it under running water. After the chosen process, the energization is done by leaving the crystal under sunlight for 30 minutes.

3 – Carnelian

Carnelian is a protective stone that brings a sense of security to the wearer, and can change color slightly in the presence of an energetic threat. Because of this, it is recommended that you wear a ring with this stone.

Most Powerful Protection Stones Exist
vvoevale / Canva

Although carnelian can energize itself, it is not self-cleaning. So you should put it in running water for about five minutes or wash it with a solution of water and coarse salt.

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With the tips we brought you, you realized that there are many stones that can protect you daily, right? So, if you want to ensure that the vibrations you emanate to the Universe are the best, and that you only receive positivity from other people, choose one of the crystals that we have separated in this article!

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