meditation on desires

I invite you to begin the practice of meditation on desires now. To do this, first sit in a posture that is naturally upright and pay attention to your breathing for a few minutes. Second, realize that when you are aware of the natural flow of your breath, your thoughts stabilize and everything falls into harmony.

The act of desiring is a privilege of humans. Just reflect on all the achievements and achievements of Humanity. All this was the fruit of desire.

Music, dance, languages, ways of writing, the discoveries of science and science itself. All this is the result of the desire inherent in humans, but also the desire for self-improvement, the desire to have better health and a longer life, the desire to be more creative and to find answers to life's biggest questions.

meditation on desiresDesiring is fundamental to human psychology, and it's okay to do so. The real problem is in the way we deal with it. There is a big difference between having desires and being ruled by them. Desire is natural!

So, there is nothing wrong with desiring, but we must be very careful not to become slaves to desires. It is important to note that without desires we would not be able to accomplish anything, because if we did not desire, we would not even be able to choose what clothes to wear, or what to eat on a daily basis.

Thinking in this way, there is no need to deny desires, or even feel guilty about them, when one decides to fulfill them. Even so, it is also necessary to take into account that, no matter how desirable the desires are, they will never lead you to happiness. Keep this clear: being happy doesn't depend on how many wishes you've already fulfilled.

Likewise, desires never end and are part of a cycle: one desire gives rise to another. If in fact we had to fulfill every single wish to finally be happy, we would never be happy. It is necessary to understand that fullness does not come from a desire, nor from an action, or experience.

Fullness is being able to recognize that in every thought, in every desire, in every action we do, even in our emotions, there is a light that illuminates all this. This light is the light of the Consciousness that you are.

There are several practices in which we can apply this thinking. For example, when we dedicate time and effort for the benefit of other people. When we act this way, we take the focus off ourselves and our ego.

When we dedicate time, even if little, to reduce the suffering of the other, recognizing the Consciousness that the other is also, we are able to realistically dimension our desires. And as a consequence, they will lose their strength.

There are two types of desires. Those that are linked to our well-being, which exist to meet our basic needs, such as eating, resting, being healthy, etc. And those that are not essential for our survival and that only bring us pleasure, comfort or satisfaction.

In this sense, each and every desire must be aligned with the common good. In other words, it is necessary to reflect on whether we have the right to fulfill a desire that may come to override another person's right, causing them to suffer. If this is happening with some desire of yours, wouldn't it be better to abstain from it?  

One way to deal with desires that don't go away, or that we may have doubts about, is to avoid fulfilling them on impulse. Learn to resist, count to ten before jumping to the realization of your desires. When we do this, we take a moment to realize if these desires are aligned with good and if we really need to fulfill them.

So, going back to what we said at the beginning, desiring is what makes us human. It is necessary to take them as a blessing, appreciating them objectively and avoiding projecting them as the answer to our happiness.

Welcome the wishes and recognize the power they have over us. Also recognize that we don't need to realize them, much less deny them to achieve happiness. When we do and understand this, we will be happy before desires, during and after them.

In conclusion, slowly go back to observing your breath, notice the physical sensations you are having. Open your eyes and prepare to live with awareness and tranquility the next moments.

I wish you to have a peaceful relationship with your desires!

Oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ Hariḥ Oṁ.

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