Meditate at work and balance your work life

One of the places where we feel the most stress and anxiety, for sure, is work. The problem is that, being the place where we spend most of the active time of the day, this is gradually harming both physical, mental and emotional health. So, what can you do to relieve stress and anxiety in the company? 

Meditating at work is possible and can bring you a peace you may not even know exists during the long productive hours of the day. Check out these tips and learn to relax, making everything lighter:
Pay special attention to breathing

Whenever you feel pressured and overwhelmed, stop. Stop for a few seconds what you are doing and pay attention to your breathing. Slow down your pace and inhale slowly through your nose, hold it for a few seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat a few times until your breathing has slowed down and then get back to work a little more calmly.

watch your thoughts

Set aside five minutes a day to do the following exercise at work: stop what you're doing and close your eyes for a few seconds (if there are a lot of people around, you can try to do it with your eyes open, so you don't look like you're sleeping). Start observing your thoughts as if you were an outside observer.

Don't interfere with them, just let them flow. Do this for 5 minutes (or even less) a day and little by little you will start to notice that there are some thought patterns. Which ones appear the most in the work environment? List these thoughts and find out what the root of each one is.

Is it a deadline concern? Is it some emotion referring to a superior or teammate? Discover the roots and then you will become aware of what is getting in the way of your peace of mind at work. From there, take action to resolve these issues.

When the problems are resolved and the thoughts come back, mentally say to yourself, "I don't need this thought anymore, go away." And, little by little, your mind will become clearer and lighter.

Meditate at work and balance your work life

take care of your body

Our body reacts to the mental and emotional instabilities we have. Notice how your body is reacting at work. During meetings, does your stomach turn over? Do you get headaches when you can't solve a problem?

The body is the best thermometer to find out when something is wrong. So preserve it as best you can. Drink plenty of water during the day. Herbal tea can be a good option too. Whenever possible, go to the window or an open environment to breathe fresh air.

Don't sit all day. Get up and walk around a bit. For, if the mind and emotions affect the functioning of the organism, the opposite also happens. Take care of your body, it will also help balance your mind and emotions.

Find harmony in relationships

Internal peace is also due to external peace. Try to resolve any problems or disagreements you have with other people at work. Tranquility will not only come from a passive process of meditation, but also from an active process in your environment. Get along well with your colleagues (even if you don't like them all) and try to do your best for their well-being too, because if they are calm, this directly reflects on your harmony.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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