Mantras for the Heart Chakra

In many moments we feel blocked, not knowing how to express ourselves correctly and we lose the notion of which path we should really follow. At these times, it is essential to work on the heart chakra (anahata).

Mantras for the Heart Chakra

He is the center of all our feelings, like love, the main one. Learn how to use mantras, with the help of exercises, to keep your heart at peace:

"Give and receive"

Exercise: Stand by a tree. Inhale and exhale slowly, feeling the air in and out of your lungs. With the help of inhalation, you will receive and feel all the clean air that the tree has filtered. Breathe in and repeat the mantra in your thoughts. Feel the change happening within you.

“Sometimes letting go is the most powerful choice”

Exercise: take a rose and start opening each petal. Some will be harder to remove, others will come off more easily. Difficult ones are like unresolved problems, fears or disaffections... Listen to your heart beat and free yourself from all that. Allow yourself to breathe with love and repeat this exercise once a week.

“I am strong, stable and at peace”

Exercise: close your eyes and shut up all the voices that are in your mind. Take away all fears, doubts or joys. Just listen to the sound of your breathing. Hear your heart beat.

Remember: you can repeat these exercises as many times as you want, but understand that they will not change your life completely, they will help you to walk in peace.

Written by Caroline Bespalec of Team Me Without Borders.

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