Laws that control the universe

According to studies by three researchers, Iskcon (Doctor of Indian Research at Harvard University), Srila Praphupada (author of Vedic works) and Amit Goswami (Doctor and PHD in Quantum Physics), there are 21 laws that govern spiritual and material nature, the living beings and even our conduct, whether good or bad. That is to say that these laws control the universe as a whole. Meet them here:

1. Law of Attraction

According to this law, whatever you focus your attention on will be attracted by the force of thought. In this way, the Law of Attraction says that you attract reality, that is, you end up attracting into your life everything you feel or think, whether they are negative or positive situations.

2. Law of Resistance

The Law of Resistance says that those who resist because they do not know the truth are guided by ignorance. Thus, one should not resist problems, but try to solve them in the best possible way, without anguish, fears and disagreements, because, otherwise, you will end up attracting the same problem again. This situation will only be resolved if the individual learns to overcome discounts and deal with his fears.

3. Law of Reflection

Laws that control the universe
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All the things you fear, like, dislike or appreciate about yourself are considered a reflection of the other. The Law of Reflection says that we project onto others the part of ourselves that is not considered conscious, making it a case of self-reflection: who are we really?

4. Law of Manifestation

It all starts with ideas, mantras and thoughts. The more repetitive and strong this one is, the more immediately and quickly it will manifest in our life in a true way.

5. Law of Free Will

We are solely responsible, according to studies, for our choices. And, despite the existence of destiny, it is we and only we who will be able to give a direction in our lives, through our free will. Therefore, it is essential to know ourselves in depth so that our destiny is led with joy, success and detachment.

6. Law of Consequence

Laws that control the universe
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This Law is of effect and of cause. This means that everything we do produces a result, be it bad or good, as a result of our free will and intentions.

7. Law of Harmony

All over the world, we are in a constant search for harmony and balance through a supreme controller. The material world in which we live is a reflection of the spiritual. However, humanity is increasingly causing an imbalance in the environment we live in, in nature, since the spiritual world is perfect, harmonious, absolute and full, a very different reality from the one we live in today. We must be aware that, despite all imperfections, the divine will never abandon us, we end up abandoning it.

8. Law of Wisdom and Knowledge

A small amount of knowledge and wisdom helps to eliminate many of our most negative energies, sufferings and consequences. In this way, we will know how to deal with the challenges that life gives us with full awareness, freeing ourselves from pain.

9. Law of Return and Gift

Laws that control the universe
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Everything that is offered with blessing, affection and love is received back in the same way. Therefore, when we are constantly in contact with good deeds, we will keep in touch with the divine and, thus, blessings will be received in our favor.

10. Law of Evolution and Purpose

Nothing happens by chance, not even the evolution of life and the universe. That's because everything has a reason to be and, thus, everything is designed according to God's will, with a focus on love and energy, so that everyone has an evolution of spirit.

11. Law of Energy

The universe is full of energy and it is not lost or created, it is only transformed. Energy is nothing more than vibration and the differences between them change the properties of things.

12. Law of Detachment

Laws that control the universe
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It is necessary to maintain a certain detachment from people and things so that our spirit is more conscious, free and prosperous. Everything in life changes, nothing is the same forever. Everything in the world changes at every moment and, therefore, this is a fundamental step in understanding the Law of Detachment.

13. You from Gratitude

The more you give the more you receive. So let's give with affection, love and wisdom.

14. Law of Association

When two or more people unite in favor of the same ideal, the same purpose, the force that emanates is greater. Consequently, global satisfaction will be created for everyone.

15. Law of Unconditional Love

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The Law of Unconditional Love expresses balance and harmony, giving without expecting or asking for anything in return.

16. Law of Affinity

As we have already said, nothing in life happens by chance, which means that there are affinities capable of explaining the consequences and purposes, following the level of consciousness.

17. Law of Abundance

From our intentions, we create our reality. The entire universe is filled with abundant energy.

18. Law of Universal Order

Laws that control the universe
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Everything has a reason to be, so we can say that life is sustainable, adaptable and functional. Any imbalance is capable of causing disharmony. There are no accidents or mistakes, learning is only achieved with suffering or with love, and the spirit only evolves through the will of God.

19. Law of Unit

We are a junction of body and soul, so we are a unit, unique. God is a person. The big difference is that God is infinite and supreme and we are infinitesimal individuals.

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  • Pay attention to the Law of Attraction: what is it and how does it act in your life?
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  • Do you want to live the consequences of your free will?

20. Law of Commitment

One way to have a higher consciousness is through true happiness, from the moment we are able to share and release it to other people. The Divine Law is simple, we are all in search of love, considered the highest point of energy in the universe, and this will happen sooner or later.

21. Law of Eternity

According to the Law of Eternity, there is neither space nor time. God is unique, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

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