Keep focus with floral

The Internet age has brought us quick and easy access to all kinds of information, and that's a wonder! Just 30 years ago, we couldn't even imagine that it would be possible to access the Louvre collection in seconds, talk to a friend on the other side of the world live and in color (who remembers the Jetsons?), or know what "Jaran" means. in Javanese.

The evolution and usefulness of this tool is undeniable, but like everything else in life, not everything is rosy… The swarm of information also brought a lot of anxiety and uncertainties. Faced with so many options, our brain can get confused, paralyze our attitudes and thoughts - what would help us, hinders us.

In addition to meditation and other complementary therapies, there is a Bach Flower that helps us focus and have a more peaceful mind - it's White Chestnut.

His indication: for when your thoughts don't stop, your inner speech torments you to the point of not being able to relax, sleep, as if our mind were a 'hamster' on an endless spinning wheel. Or when the mind is dominated by some obsession, the person only thinks about it, and can't do anything else.

To identify the need for White Chestnut, we need to analyze the flow of thoughts – it doesn't have to be necessarily anxious or frightening, but repetitive like a broken record.

White Chestnut brings serenity of thought to live the present, each moment, to its fullest. It brings clarity and mental openness, understanding, and helps to prioritize tasks, and to think about one thing at a time, as if organizing mental chaos. 

With a calm mind, we make room for the deeper needs of the higher self, from Sould, so that meaningful insights can emerge more clearly in order to sustain our spiritual development in this life. It's as if the mind silences so we can hear what really matters.

The White Chestnut tree is known as horse chestnut, and also Horse Chestnut (or horse chestnut) – in India the leaves and flowers were used in horse feed when they were panting. Dr Carmen Monari, author of the book “Participating in Life with Bach Flower Remedies”, makes an association with the speed of our indomitable thoughts and tells the myth of Pegasus:

Pegasus is the result of the union of Poseidon (the force of the sea) with Medusa (goddess of inspiration), but this one, for having broken the laws, was punished and transformed into Gorgon - only when Theseus cut off Medusa's head Pegasus was released from his mother. – that is, only when we overcome our Medusa can we release our force of inspiration and the force of Poseidon, father of our creative thinking.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna teaches the warrior Arjuna to master horses and drive his chariot, facing battles.

White Chestnut is not simply a floral indicated for 'insomnia', but if the reason for insomnia is this mental unrest, with obsessive thoughts, a formula of W.Chestnut com Rescue it is of great help. This formula became so used that the Bach Center decided to create the 'Rescue Sleep', in which the mixture is already ready.

Always talk to a Floral Therapist, he helps you identify the best floral for your life situation.  

Keep focus with floral

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