Incenses: Lavender, 7 herbs, Roses and Cloves

Incense is much more than perfume for the home. They are friends for the energetic cleansing of environments and, in many cultures, they represent a sacred ritual. We also light it to prepare the environment for ceremonies, yoga and meditation classes. Do you know how to activate your incense so that it produces all possible benefits?

We will make a series with incense sticks that can be useful to alleviate the most common problems in our daily lives. The incense we separate today are Lavender, 7 herbs, Roses and Carnation!


Some of the most commented symptoms when it comes to planetary transition are insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, so we thought it would be cool to indicate an incense whose name is already well known, but that few know can help us at sleep.

Lavender is an aromatic plant widely used in the production of perfumes and cleaning products. This plant is a small shrub with blue-violet flowers. In addition to being a great perfume, its aroma brings many benefits to us, such as the relief of anxiety and irritability, relief from insomnia and still provides calm, tranquility and cleaning of heavy energies.

Usage tip: light the incense when you go to bed. Remember to leave the window a little open so that the smoke doesn't bother you while you sleep. When you lie down, connect with the energy of incense and start taking long breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply, asking that the energies of the incense help your night's sleep and keep away all disturbances, so that your rest is invigorating.

Incenses: Lavender, 7 herbs, Roses and Cloves

7 herbs

Whenever possible, it is nice to do a beautiful cleaning in our home, both physical and energetic, especially in times of planetary transition, when energies are more intense than ever. So today's tip is the 7 Herb incense.

7 Herb incense is special, first of all, because 7 is the number of spirituality, protection and good luck, so the combination of herbs attracts renewal, purification and renewal both in us and in the environment. The herbs used are almecega (breuzinho), rue, myrrh, benzoin, frankincense, storax and cabreúva. Its energy brings joy and harmony to the environment and makes us comfortable and renewed at home.

Usage tip: in one day, after cleaning the house and leaving the environment clean and comfortable, light your incense and connect with its energy. Walk around the house with the incense lit and asking it to purify and renew all the energy in the environment. Ask that all dense, unbalanced, toxic and unhealthy energies be collected and transmuted into balanced energies and that they help in the evolution of everyone who lives in that house.

Incenses: Lavender, 7 herbs, Roses and Cloves


When the theme is planetary transition, there is one topic that is always in evidence: love. Everyone talks about the importance of the energy of love and how powerful it is to heal us and the planet. For this reason, today we brought an incense that will help in the emanation of this pure and beautiful energy.

The aroma of roses is one of the best known in the world. Its petals are used in various products and even in food, since roses soften emotions such as sadness, anxiety and tensions. In addition, it is a symbol of knowledge and its aroma brings love to the environment, as well as helping to treat unbalanced emotions.

Usage tip: light your rose incense and hold it in your hand. Breathe deeply and connect with his energy. Begin to envision that the energy of incense is enveloping your being completely, both physically and energetically, so begin to ask for the energy of love to flood you completely, that all your actions, decisions and everything else that envelops your life, from that moment on, be grounded and supported by the energy of purest love. Remember to say thank you.

Incenses: Lavender, 7 herbs, Roses and Cloves


In times of planetary transition, when energies are increasingly sensitive and we are absorbing even more everything that happens around us, it is important to take care to make constant cleanings so that negativity does not drop our vibration. For this, clove incense can be a great ally.

Clove is a stimulating essence, which opens paths and attracts prosperity. In conjunction with herbs such as breuzinho, it is able to destroy negative energies in an environment, ridding it of the evil eye, magic and negative thoughts. This aroma also stimulates thinking and creates an atmosphere of security, which helps in personal achievements.

Usage tip: light your incense and hold it. Breathe deeply and connect with his energies. Start, then, to mentalize that the smoke is unloading you from all the evil eye, negative energies, negative magic and whatever else you intuit that is harming you. Then begin to ask that after the cleansing is done, your paths will be opened to prosperity in all aspects of life.


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