How to protect yourself from negative people

    In our daily life, we live with many different people. Among them, it is not uncommon to find some people who transmit a deep negativity and provide a feeling of restlessness or discomfort, even by their simple presence. They complain about life, family, work and everything that exists. They never praise or recognize the value of others. We usually end up feeling “contaminated” by this negative aura, without realizing that our thoughts and feelings suddenly become heavy – we may not even be able to identify the reason why we feel tired, without motivation.

    These are some actions we can take to protect our energy against this contamination:

    → Analyze negative emotion when it arises. Try to determine what (or who) caused it. Is it an emotion of yours that you've even experienced before, or is it something new that popped into your mind? If it's something you identify as yours, it would be good for you to start trying to understand the reason and then eliminate it, doing therapy, for example. If not, see if this feeling started in the presence of someone – or in a certain place.

    How to protect yourself from negative people→ Put some distance between you and the source of negativity. Even if this is not physically possible (like, for example, in the work environment), try to reduce the proximity to people who cause this sensation in you as much as possible. If this occurs in one place, avoid it or stay there only as long as necessary.

    → A good way to regain your center is to pay attention to your breath. Breathing slowly, with full attention focused on the sensation of air entering and leaving your body, for just 30 seconds, brings relief and comfort. Changing your focus for a few moments is enough for you to regain control of your thoughts and feelings. Here it is recommended that you practice some meditation and visualization techniques, which help and strengthen your protection.

    → A good visualization can promote an energetic block against negativity. For example, if your place of work or colleagues emanate uncomfortable sensations, imagine yourself surrounded by a strong, clear ball of white (or your favorite color) light. Think of this ball as your “force field” against the negative. Try to feel this light that surrounds you and attribute to it the ability to reflect away any unqualified energy that is sent in your direction. Within this ball of light only Peace and Love exist. Practice this visualization a lot until it becomes easy to trigger when needed.

    → Know your limits and respect yourself. Don't try to force uncomfortable situations just to assert yourself in front of others. The sooner you identify a problem, the faster you can take action to work around it.

    → Have a coherent, civil but firm attitude towards negative people. It is not about creating a “war” against those who make no positive contribution. It's a matter of establishing for yourself what you don't want to be a part of your life anymore and sticking to your decision. Get used to saying “no” clearly and consistently. Set your limits and preserve them.

    → Always cleanse your body. Weekly, put a handful of rock salt in a container of water and use it to rinse your body in the bath (from the neck down only). Salt has been considered a great vehicle for protection, cleaning and purification since ancient times.

    → Keeping yourself safe from negativity is important as it can drain your energy and make you unable to progress in life with joy and health.

    Finally, it is good to know that some people may be emanating negativity without even realizing what they are doing. Let's try, then, to avoid judging them and, as far as possible, offer some guidance for them to seek help, in order to become happier and more satisfied with themselves.

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