How to increase vibration simply and easily

We always hear that we need to keep our vibrations high to attract good things. How do we do it? It's a task that may seem complicated, but it's not! That's why we've separated 21 ways to improve your energies in a simple and easy way. Check out:

1 – Be persistent

To begin the process of raising your vibration, the first step is to persist in that ideal. You have to learn what to do and repeat each of the ways until they become part of your routine.

2 - Write

Start your journey with a journal in hand. In it, you will write your advances, your feelings, your doubts and your certainties. You can also write down your wishes and everything you want to happen. Thus, good vibes will be attracted to your life. It is important that this diary is on paper, so that you can exercise your writing in a more complex process than typing.

3 – Hug someone

How to increase vibration simply and easily
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels / Canva

When we hug a person we like, we release substances that are beneficial to our body. In addition, we emanate our positive energy to other people!

4 – Thank you for everything

The position we are in is always to give thanks for everything we have, for the people we know and for the way we live. List the things you are grateful for and think about them daily. Give thanks for the smallest things, like being able to breathe, being able to walk freely, being able to think and act according to who you are.

5 – Practice meditation

At first, it can be difficult to free your mind from the problems that surround you. With practice, however, it is possible to think of nothing. Find a quiet place, free of distractions and quiet. At the end of that, thinking of something that makes you feel good will allow you to raise your vibration.

6 – Be helpful

How to increase vibration simply and easily
kieferpix / Getty Images Pro / Canva

When we help someone, we exercise our ability to recognize our privileges. Instead of thinking that you don't have as many things as you would like, you will come to think that the excess of what you have may be all that someone else needs to be happy and live well.

7 – Change the vibration of your DNA

According to the sounds we hear, it is possible to change the vibration of our DNA. A vibration of 528hz is ideal for you to feel better about yourself.

β€Œ8 – Enjoy good music

Listening to our favorite song always brings a positive feeling. Feeling good and happy, you are also able to vibrate good and positive energy.

9 – Think positive about other people and about yourself

How to increase vibration simply and easily
Ridofranz / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Every time we have negative thoughts about ourselves and others, through complaining and gossip, we emanate negative energy. To improve your vibration, you need to be grateful for the things you have and recognize that all people are growing and learning.

10 – Practice exercises

By exercising, you will release endorphins in your body and feel good. You can dance, go to the gym or play some sport. Choose an activity that will make you happy and persist!

11 – Be bold

Throwing yourself into a different activity that you've always wanted to do and never had the courage to is a way to raise your vibration. You can always be amazed at the capabilities of your body and your brain!

β€Œ12 – Connect with Buddhist Wisdom

How to increase vibration simply and easily
photo maximum / Getty Images Pro / Canva

One way to make an introspective moment more fruitful is to listen to chants from Buddhist and Gregorian monks. Through them, you get in touch with ancient Buddhist wisdom and raise your vibration!

β€Œ13 – Practice self-knowledge

To recognize and assess how we are feeling and what kind of energy we are vibrating, just look at ourselves. Become aware of our actions, assess whether they are correct and remain the same or change.

β€Œ14 – Develop mental repetitions

This method is not about creating a routine or about uttering nonsense words. The idea is that you repeat, a hundred times a day, the phrase β€œI am happy and I am prosperous” or β€œI accept the changes”. That way, you will attract that positive thought and can change the way you see yourself.

15 – Train a martial art or practice yoga

How to increase vibration simply and easily
Peera_Sathawirawong / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Yoga, Qigong and other martial arts are essential for working the balance between body and mind. From them, you can even increase your intelligence quotient.

β€Œβ€Œ16 – Control your life

Look at the sectors of your life and notice how you have control over most of them. You have the power and strength to make decisions about your family, your education, your present and your future. This total responsibility is what gives you the energy to vibrate positively.

17 – Breathe

Of course, we are breathing all the time, but to raise your vibration you need to breathe deeply. Choose a comfortable spot, relax your body and enjoy the benefits of a calmer vibe.β€Œ

β€Œ18 – Try the energy water

How to increase vibration simply and easily
Alliance Images / Canva

Traditional Chinese healers resort to the technique of drinking a different water. To have it, you need to hold a bottle of water with your thumbs and middle fingers, sending positive energies and love to the liquid.

β€Œ19 – Discover mudra

The practice of mudra consists of performing finger gestures, with the aim of balancing and directing the energy that runs throughout your body. Learn how mudra works and adopt it in your everyday life!

β€Œ20 – Try jumping

The act of jumping, at any time of the day, can be very beneficial for your body. Your body's cells become more active and your stored energy is released.

  • 7 Simple Things That Help Raise Your Vibration
  • Understand how vibrations can change your day
  • Follow 10 attitudes that will attract positivity in your life
  • Analyze how energies and vibrations work in the world
  • talking about respect
  • Gratitude that changes your life

21 – Fair Practice

This Hawaiian practice consists of practicing forgiveness. In this way, it is possible to get in touch with the Divine and get rid of any physical or emotional evil.

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