How the family constellation can help conciliation cases

    Therapeutic and alternative techniques, fortunately, have been increasingly accepted and sought after by people and are increasingly included in the most diverse means. THE family systemic constellation is one of these techniques that is constantly expanding, having been used lately even in cases of lawsuits.

    The family systemic constellation is nothing more than a therapeutic technique that aims to improve in several areas, especially with regard to family processes, whether sentimental or practical. By analyzing the bonds built within the family, whether through love or suffering, we can make transformative changes. Developed by German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, it is a technique that helps us to see situations and patterns that we usually don't see because we are already very immersed in them. Through their guidelines and techniques, we came to see our attitudes as if we did not participate in them and thus we were able to have a greater discernment on how to act to change what we want.

    We are all connected energetically and when we deal with people from the same family and especially those who live with each other daily, this energy is even stronger and unique. Therefore, if we move the energy of one of the people in this family, all the others will also transform. It is a practice that has an expert who leads the session, but that does not necessarily need the presence of everyone involved.

    How the family constellation can help conciliation cases

    As it has a very high chance of success, the family constellation started to be applied in other aspects besides personal ones, such as in cases of problems at work, health problems and now even in legal matters. At the end of 2016, at least 11 Spanish states (Goiás, São Paulo, Rondônia, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Alagoas and Amapá) and the Federal District already had the family constellation. as one of the proposals for mediation and conflict resolution in its processes.

    There are also a large number of successful cases in this judicial aspect, which has made the demand grow more and more. A person who participates in a family constellation tends to go out much more humanized and conducive to collaborating with others involved in the decision. Processes become easier, lighter and with much more favorable results for all parties involved. The measure was regulated through CNJ Resolution n. 125/2010 of the National Justice Council (CNJ), in which all practices that provide good conflict management are encouraged.

    With the constellation, the practices that led to the conflict situation are usually presented to those involved, who, seeing these reasons, facilitate negotiation and resolution. It is the humanization of processes that can be so exhausting and bureaucratic. If you are involved in a judicial process that is difficult to resolve or would like to participate in a constellation session, do a quick search in your city and you will surely find people qualified to guide the practice. Everyone can only win!

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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