The third dimension dissolves in light


The great energetic shift we are observing involves not just the planet, but the entire galaxy. Earth is just a tiny part of billions of stars, with its planets and moons.

However, for terrestrial humanity, what really matters is its planetary home. Transiting since always in a quadrant of the galaxy, where the incidence of light was very scarce, the Earth, along with its Solar System, entered in 2012 a cosmic zone where the incidence of light is very intense. Pulses and more pulses from the Cosmic Central Sun are causing the energies to vibrate each day in a higher resonance.

Nothing will be like before 2012

For almost 300 years, our planet, along with the Solar System, was gradually adjusting, with this light that appeared at the edge of its quadrant. We can compare it with the night, which dissolves with the arrival of dawn. Every morning, before the sun fully rises, we have in the east a “lightening” that contrasts with the blackness of the night. Every minute, as the light increases, the darkness decreases. Until everything becomes clear. So it is happening in this Planetary Transition.

Earth's dark night lasted the exact time of its existence until now. Although the Solar System has a Pleiadian orbit that lasts 25.920 years – and within this period, the Earth enters the Photon Belt twice –, then we have the Minieras of Light. The time traveled within the Photon Belt is 2.160 years. In these periods, called the Age of Light, humanity found the greatest opportunities for evolution. However, soon after, the Earth entered once again its long night, whose duration was 10.800 years, that is, five Astrological Ages of 2.160 years.

Thus, with each orbit around Alcyone – the Central Sun of the Pleiades –, the Mayan Calendar was completed, representing 12 ERAS, each lasting 2.160 years. Every time the Solar System passed through the Age of Leo and the Age of Aquarius, it coincided with its passage within this beam of Light called the Photon Belt.

The third dimension dissolves in light

Now it won't be different

Nothing changes within this small set of “Seven Stars” (Asterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Celaeno and Alcyone), just as nothing changes regarding the Earth's orbit with respect to the Sun. What really changes, and inevitably, is the increase in the incidence of light. In addition to the Photon Belt, which is natural and known to humanity, we now have the great stream of crystalline light from the Cosmic Central Sun, which arrives through the Galactic Central Sun. All galaxies move continuously through outer space, and because of that the Milky Way, with its stars and planets, is in line with this Sun. The light will be so intense that it will forever dissolve everything that vibrates in the third dimension.

This 300-year process was like an adaptation. Just like waking up at night, if we turn on a very powerful light, it will dazzle our eyes, the crystalline light is so intense that we would not be able to bear it if it came suddenly. So, 300 years is enough for plants, animals, the soil and the waters, but especially human beings, to be able to adapt to the new energies.

Today's children are born with a crystalline-based body. Adults are changing their DNA as cells are replaced and their consciousness is raised.

Nature makes this adaptation quietly. Even if there are climatic and geographic changes, everything adapts naturally.

The big problem is in human beings, as they are spirits in learning in the experience of consciousness in a physical body, submitted to the veil of oblivion. Here's the whole crux of the matter. After millions of years of living and believing in the illusion of the Third Dimension, many will not be able to get out of it. Beliefs are very limiting and prevent a portion of humanity from ascending to the Fifth Dimension.

Even with all the signs and all the trends right in front of your eyes, there is a lot of resistance to change. Fear prevents advances from being made. Despite the pain and discomfort that this resistance causes, we can still see how difficult it is to change and expand human consciousness.

The third dimension dissolves in light

From now on, the dissolution of everything that belongs to the 3D vibration begins

Everything will crumble like a house of cards. Or, as the Arcturians say, “it's like a domino: each stone that falls pushes the next one”.

The entire control system will be extinguished. Forms of government, the financial system, teaching methods, the drug industry, Medicine, religion, the media sector, food, science, competitions… in short, everything is already in the “fryer”, and the oil starts to boil.

In this and the next few years, everything will be fast and intense. Either change the vibration to a higher octave, or it will cease to exist. We will even be able to observe the removal of “stones from the board”, that is, the exchange of positions of so-called “important” people in all sectors of the old system. The disincarnations will increase substantially.

The cleaning in the Earth's astral is already being completed

Now the cleaning will begin on the surface, that is, in the physical part, in all your realms, especially in the Hominal Realm.

Disintegration is unavoidable, as the full Fifth Dimensional energy will “disintegrate” whatever is in the old vibration. It's like connecting a low-voltage device to a high-voltage electric current. It will melt!

Time is pressing! We had all the time we needed, but there are those who don't want to run now. They prefer mental laziness and old concepts. As stated before, resistance to change is the cause of most of the pain that many feel. It is the cry of the soul warning material consciousness that time is running out.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment.


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