Family Constellation commented by those who have done it

Today I want to share my experiences with the family constellation, because I believe that, in some way, I can contribute to someone's life, if there is still doubt about the method.

I told you from the beginning so you can see that sometimes we don't always find what we imagine right away, but it's worth opening up to what we needed.

The First Constellation – Strangeness

I participated in a constellation in 2009. The therapist was an acquaintance and, without my knowing it, she was there participating in the experience, without any information about what the technique would be. She didn't know what she would need to do, as it turned out, she didn't know anything.

Family Constellation commented by those who have done it
CanvaPro / Sal73it

Suddenly I was there, representing a person's father, having never met that person. I had no idea what I was doing.

The Second Constellation – Trouble

In a second opportunity, I participated in the constellation, but this time consciously, because I decided to go, after an invitation from the owner of the studio where I taught yoga, in 2016.

There were enough people to experience the constellation. There were a lot of people, really.

At the beginning, the therapist explained how the dynamics would happen there. And she said something really cool. She said that, even though most of them were not constellated, just by being there observing and experiencing, people would receive this benefit in their lives, because, as she had said, it is an energy therapy.

Family Constellation commented by those who have done it
CanvaPro / Shironosov

After about 30 minutes of constellation, catharsis began to occur and some people were crying and getting emotional.

I was uncomfortable there, especially after they chose me to be a family member, inside the field.

I felt a certain discomfort and the urge to leave, but I stayed. When I left there, I felt quite tired physically.

The curiosity to understand more

Still not understanding much, I decided to watch videos about the systemic constellation.

I found some therapists on YouTube, and the one I liked the most, by far, was Elza Carvalho. In 2018 I decided to look for someone very experienced to do it, but I hadn't found any information that Elza did it remotely.

I ended up finding another therapist who was in her prime. I thought, "Now I'm going to do it right." I remember that at the time the value was expressive for me, but, as I had a return after six months, I decided to face it. The constellation lasted approximately 30 minutes and at the end I still left with the feeling that it had made no sense to me. The return did not happen.

Giving up

After going back and forth, I understood that this constellation train was not for me. So I let it go. I started to follow Bert Hellinger less and less, because, although a lot of things made sense in theory, for me, the practice was different.

Another try

It was when, still in this year 2020, in a conversation with a therapist that I met here β€œonly” as the editor-in-chief of this portal, called Silvia Jara, that things started.

Sil invited me to an online session that initially consisted of two therapies: Thetahealing and Systemic Constellation. After that, we did a couple more just constellations. And can I speak? For the first time things began to make sense in light of what I had already experienced.

Family Constellation commented by those who have done it
CanvaPro / Disappearance

I felt that the therapies were conducted in a loving, careful way, by someone who puts his heart into what he does, clearly translating what my morphic field brought with information.

With lightness, it helped me to see SO MUCH behind the veil of illusion. In addition to all that, he explained everything to me, it seemed like a class, one of those where we come out super enlightened!

Signing Off

I believe that this path was necessary so that I could better understand the depth of the Constellations, the importance of empathy with the therapist and to understand that maybe in my first experiences I was not yet fully prepared to dive into the dimension we reached with the Constellations.

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Sometimes we end up giving up doing a certain thing just because we don't immediately see much sense, because it doesn't happen as we imagined. But if we allow ourselves, it is possible to find professionals who will make everything fit for us.

So if you want to have a new experience or a first experience, I think you will like it. @silviajara.terapias.

Then come tell me what you think. 😊

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