How having an agenda can help you improve your mental health

Some time ago we organized our lives through notebooks with a calendar and called it an agenda. With the advent of the internet, smartphones and all kinds of technology, paper diaries were forgotten by most people and with that many things were also forgotten, unimportant and especially disorganized. Like everything essential, no matter how much it gets lost, one day it comes back, this has happened with diaries too, but now they are more personalized and even more artisanal: they are called Bullet Journals.

How having an agenda can help you improve your mental health

Bullet Journal is a creation of the American designer Ryder Caroll and its main objective is to organize (or is it to reorganize?) people's lives. It starts from the simple principle that when we visualize our tasks, we tend to feel them more real and necessary, in this way, we accomplish more what we set out to do.

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The basic difference between the method proposed by Carroll and a conventional agenda is that in this case you create your notebook, plans and projects from scratch, adapting it in the way you find best to meet your needs. The beginning starts with the obvious: calendars divided into years, months, weeks or days, according to what suits you best. And there you should write down all the intended tasks, dreams and even those things you need to do but aren't very interested in. Throughout the days, visualizing everything and having a palpable notebook, people tend to feel more responsible for what they should do or else they realize that some goals are unrealistic and discard them.

On this site you can follow the step-by-step process for creating your personal bullet journal, but it is important to know that all the material you need can be summed up in a notebook and a pen. Obviously, if you like stationery, colors, drawings or calligraphy, you can use this to your advantage and make a beautiful notebook that will motivate you even more to consult it and fill it out whenever you need to.

How having an agenda can help you improve your mental health

If you need inspiration, a quick search on social media will find you hundreds of bullet journal types. Just put it into practice and be aware that it is necessary to maintain dedication and organization, which is much easier and more pleasant when you bring ideas and obligations from the field of ideas to the real field. Try it!

Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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