How do cats clean energy from the environment?

The sensitivity of cats

The different species of cats make most people fall in love with them as soon as they look! These feline mammals are found in many homes in our society as a family pet!

It is wrong to think that these animals do not show or do not give love and company to their owners. They are, yes, independent, but they also make all the difference in the lives of those they live with.

But, did you know?

That cats love games that stimulate their hunting instinct, everyone knows... That they are passionate about balls of wool, bottle caps and string, in addition to being cozy for their owners, we are tired of knowing, but did you know that cats clean the negative energies of environments and of some people? Yes, cats are considered spiritual protectors!

By nature, our cuddly felines have the ability to remove negative vibes and neutralize the energies of the environments they live in. This gift comes from a great spiritual and cosmic energy that they carry with them, something unlike any other animal's ability.

How do cats clean energy from the environment?
Aleksandar Cvetanović / Pexels

I'm sure you've heard someone say that cats have seven lives, that they are sacred beings. These lines come from Egyptian antiquity, so it is believed that this animal filters bad vibes, such as sadness, hatred, worries, among others.

How do you do this cleaning?

Cats are compared to sponges, that is, they are filters; this ends up justifying why some cats sleep so much. Kittens are often on the mend.

How do cats clean energy from the environment?
Duong Nhan / Pexels

Meowing is something very important in this matter, because it is through meowing that cats absorb bad energies; the sound they make is able to create a field of positive vibrations that neutralize the negative ones. In addition, it is good to be aware of the places where your cat takes frequent naps, because it is possible that he is there to cleanse harmful energies.

Also, cats with eye blemishes are cats that have absorbed bad things that were around the place, apart from the fact that they have a high ability to see in the dark, which we humans don't do very well, which brings even more protection and cleanliness. to the place where they live.

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special cats

Despite the sensitive energetic capacity that kittens have for protection, cleaning and vibration neutralization, they also like to give and receive lots of love, affection and attention; they like to play, rest with their owners and have a routine with those who live with them… Therefore, when adopting a kitty, think of this experience as a whole, as a way to have company, cute, happy moments and an unforgettable partnership! As a gift, you will win a special animal that will take care of your home!

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