Grenade Stone: all about its powers and uses!

Garnet stone can be found in different colors: transparent, yellow, brown, green, black or, in most cases, red. But the most common color of the stone, which is often associated with human blood, is not the most interesting thing about it. Next, discover the energies that the grenade can bring to your days, increasing your well-being.

Meaning of the garnet stone

The meaning of the name “grenade” is already beginning to reveal a little about the vibrations that the crystal emanates. In Latin, “granatus”, which originated the word “grenade”, is a synonym for “grain”. However, this term has already been interpreted as “the stone that illuminates”. And this definition has everything to do with the benefits that the crystal offers. Keep reading to find out more.

What is the garnet stone for?

Grenade Stone: all about its powers and uses!
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A stone that illuminates seems to be an element of nature that brings us light and positivity, right? In a way, the garnet stone really brings those energies. But the crystal goes further than that. Identify how it can act in your body, in your mind and in an environment:

1) Physical body

The red color of the garnet stone is directly related to the part of the body in which it acts: the heart. In this sense, the crystal regulates the heartbeat and blood pressure, favors blood circulation and increases energy for sexual practice.

2) Spiritual body

In the spiritual body, garnet stimulates concentration, reduces stress and provides a feeling of relaxation. In addition, the stone relieves the anguish we keep, favors union and relationships and inspires the process of self-knowledge, with determination and courage.

3) Environments

In an environment, such as your home or office, the garnet stone replaces negative energies with positivity. Another benefit of the crystal is the purification of the vibrations of space, ensuring the well-being of those who remain in it.

stone symbology

The positive effects that the grenade brings to a person or a space have been noticed since antiquity. That's why it was one of the first crystals to be used as a healing stone to alleviate the symptoms of numerous ailments.

However, the legend that endures about the garnet stone concerns Noah's Ark. For the religious, the only source of light on the vessel was a fragment of this crystal. With the glow inside and the vibrations it gave off, the grenade ensured that Noah's Ark was water-resistant.

Facts about the grenade

As the years passed, more cultures began to observe the powers of the garnet stone. From this, it was identified that the crystal vibrations were more intense for those who followed certain professions and for the natives of specific signs. In such cases, the garnet stone is considered a stone of power. Find out who are the most benefited by it.

Garnet stone and the professions

Grenade Stone: all about its powers and uses!
pasiphae / 123rf

The garnet stone is related to human blood. So it relates to the professions that involve caring for this part of our bodies. Also, the crystal can symbolize professionals who observe the functioning of human cells and who care for an individual's bones. Find out what they are:

  • dentists;
  • Hematologist;
  • Cardiologists;
  • oncologists;
  • Chiropractors.

Pomegranate stone and the signs

In addition to being related to blood, garnet is often associated with the element of fire. Therefore, it is linked to the signs that integrate the cycle of fire. However, it is also common to see it associated with the signs of January, as the crystal is a symbol of the month. Find the corresponding signs:

  • Aries;
  • Lion;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Capricorn;
  • Aquarium.

How to use the garnet stone?

Regardless of whether the garnet stone is your stone of power, you can enjoy the benefits that this crystal offers. If you want to use it in an environment, for example, just purchase the mineral in a larger size, in raw form, and place it on your desk, next to your bed or on the coffee table in the living room.

If you want the grenade's powers to act directly on you, you should bet on a gem that contains the stone. A necklace is the most suitable, as it keeps the crystal close to your heart, where it acts directly.

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The grenade is also useful for the time of meditation. For this application, keep the crystal on your chest for 20 minutes, to renew your energies and increase your tranquility.

How to clean my grenade stone?

When you feel the benefits of grenade in your body, you will want to use it every day. And this can lead to the accumulation of impurities in the crystal. Fortunately, you can clean your stone under running water, washing it for a few minutes.

How to energize the grenade stone?

Grenade Stone: all about its powers and uses!
niknikpo / 123rf

In general, after cleaning a stone, it needs to be energized. But this is not the case with the grenade, because it is already a very energetic crystal, which recharges itself. So you can just intensify the stone's vibrations by exposing it to the sun's rays for 30 minutes.

Garnet Stone Precautions

Many people report that after a long time of use, red garnet turns black. That's not a sign that she's screwed up or that she was fake. In fact, it is an indication that she is protecting you more intensely. After some time, it is likely to return to the reddish appearance.

Based on the information presented, we understand that the garnet stone is important for heart health, to relieve tension and to promote harmony, in addition to increasing courage and determination. Secure your crystal to reap the positive energies that the grenade emanates.

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