Geobiology: in search of a healthy home

It's very common to feel some good or bad energies depending on the place and environment you frequent. But this does not happen by chance. In this space negative energies can be accumulated that transmute into the environment.

In this sense, the geobiology it is a science that emerged in the 70s in the West and since then has been studying the relationship between the environment and people. The study bases of geobiology are based on Quantum Physics, Radiesthesia and Radionics.

The point where we live directly influences our state of mind and mood. If you always feel tired at home or sad, maybe the energy level is not balanced and there may be negative points transmuting in your home.

How does geobiology work?

Geobiology can be used anywhere, from home, offices, stores, companies. There are several techniques used by geobiology, from the use of radionic devices in geobiological research, use of the pendulum, to the observation of ambient light, as well as electromagnetic fields to air circulation.

When an environment is not balanced, it can negatively influence the lives of its residents. Check out some sensations of those who live in negative places:

  • Sleep disturbances and tiredness;
  • Nervousness and stress;
  • Professional difficulty;
  • Fights and arguments;
  • Tension and difficulty concentrating.

Geobiology: in search of a healthy homeThere are people who work only with geobiology to help harmonize the space, observing the care with the quality of air, soil, luminosity, humidity, sound. Many of these things go unnoticed when a person is going to buy a property, for example.

Hence, it is essential to be able to balance your home, leaving her in a quiet and serene place. Small changes like putting plants in your house, airing, avoiding carpets, taking care of colors, can help.

Depression and even cancer can arise from unhealthy environments, geobiologists say. It seems trivial, but it deserves and makes all the difference in your life, and what's more, it has a strong influence on our health.

Benefits of Geobiology
  • Relieves stress;
  • Identifies places that accumulate negative energy and helps to heal;
  • Leaves the environment harmonious;
  • It makes things flow.
Simple tips to make your environment free of negative energies
  • In the morning, open the windows of your house, especially your bedroom. At night we usually eliminate many toxins. Therefore, always renew the air in your room;
  • Try to get electronic equipment out of your room. The room today is almost the person's abode. But in addition to being the environment in which she rests, electronic devices such as cell phones, television, computers must be avoided, which are excesses of magnetic fields and can alter sleep phases. Unplugging it also helps;
  • Take good care of your mattress. If it's been years since you changed it, then it's time. It is where we spend every night and it provides us with quality sleep or not. Opt for mattresses made of latex and avoid spring ones;
  • Don't bring "heavy" and sad subjects into the bedroom. The bedroom is a place where we recover our energy and rest. Avoid fights, arguments in it. Make your bedroom a harmonious place;
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