Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!

A Foot Reflexology It is a very old technique, dating back approximately 5.000 years, practiced and enjoyed by different cultures.

This foot massage technique, where points that correspond to vital organs and regions of the entire body are found โ€“ like a miniature map of our organism. The technique is based on the free circulation of Vital Energy, given that sensitivity or pain at some point is a warning sign, representing an energy imbalance.

With the use of bamboo tips, stimuli are performed in the energy points and reflex zones of the feet. They offer the possibility of reaching all body regions, providing new sensations for those who receive them.

What is Foot Reflexology?

Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!
Milius007 / Pixabay

โ€œThe time has come to give your feet the recognition they deserve!โ€

It is the art of healing by touching the feet, following the principle that all organs of the body, including the brain, are connected through energy channels, activated at points on our feet. So when our feet are tired, so are our minds and bodies.

Applying pressure to the nerve terminals, a reflex stimulus of an organ in the body occurs in the Central Nervous System (CNS), which immediately initiates a range of internal activities verifying the state and functioning of the organ being stimulated.

Foot reflexology, known as Chinese foot massage, is a therapy that can bring several benefits to the body by balancing it and maintaining health, assists in reducing stress, as in other pathologies, including in cancer patients, verified in studies.

It is considered an alternative therapy, recognized by the Ministry of Health, very accessible, but little known, but highly effective. It has great advantages, as it does not require large expenses and spaces to be carried out. It can be incorporated into other therapies, such as reiki, shiatsu, among others.

Technique objectives

Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!
Nino Liverani / Unsplash

Preventive; Identify a malfunction before its symptomatic appearance; Keep the body healthy, relax body and mind.

Observation: Those who apply Reflexology have to have a refined sensitivity in touch, to realize that when a person reports pain in the reflex points it does not necessarily mean that there is some specific evil this is a point of stagnant energy and the more obstructed the more pain they will feel. However, it is a warning sign, a warning that the vibrating frequency of the electromagnetic field of this piece of organ is in dysfunction and in the touch you can perceive this irregularity.

Before starting the reflexology session, it is recommended to apply a foot bath to make the person more relaxed and the feet more sensitive to the touch.

Indications of foot reflexology

Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!

Indicated for people who are stressed, tense, nervous, with blood circulation problems, hormonal problems, various types of pain and system imbalance.

Stress is a major cause of heart disease, migraines, muscle pain, nervousness and depression. When stress is treated, the body gets rid of these symptoms without the need for chemical remedies that only mask the problem and make us dependent.

Among other common indications, we have:

  • Constipation
  • Blood pressure change
  • Cold
  • Back pain
  • Labyrinthitis
  • swelling in the legs
  • kidney stones
  • Asthma
  • Hypertension
  • Cholesterol
  • Thyroid
  • Inflammation
  • calcium balance

Contraindications of foot reflexology

Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!
Buenosia Carol / Pexels

Reflexology contraindications apply in cases of people with diabetes who have foot injuries, pregnant women, people who use a pacemaker, people with skin allergy or dermatitis, people who have exposed varicose veins, thrombosis or fractures.

In cases of people with diabetes, treatment becomes unfeasible due to blood clots that easily form in the veins of the patient's body. These blood clots should not be displaced, as foot reflexology suggests.

In foot reflexology, blood circulation is stimulated so that all organs can be able to receive the nutrients present in the blood, and for the release of toxins to occur, which in the case of diabetics would not be recommended.

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application time

Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!
PxHere form photo

Sessions last from 30 to 60 minutes.

The interval between each treatment session should be seven days. At least ten sessions are recommended.

In-depth evaluation with a detailed customer evaluation form is very important. It is in this initial conversation that problems will be detected and application points defined.

Make yourself a self-massage

Preferably sitting, roll a tennis ball on the floor under the sole of the foot, trying to massage all areas, including the toes. You will feel that some places are more painful than others.

Another method would be for you to sit down, massage one of your feet with both hands, then notice where the sore spots on your foot are.

Check the foot map for the corresponding area on the body and follow the maneuver tips I leave for you.

Tip for maneuvers to do foot reflexology

Foot reflexology with bamboo: your feet say a lot about you!
Ryan Hoyme / Pixabay

Harmonization this is when you feel crystals, meaning that you are starting to stagnate energy, make rotating movements with a little pressure in the place clockwise until you feel that they are gone or until you feel that it is necessary.

toning it's when you feel a little hole, which means lack of energy, make pumping movements as if you were "inflating" a tire, tighten and release in the same spot at least 10 times or as much as you feel is necessary.

Sedation it's when you feel a hard ball, meaning excess energy, make the movement of "deflating" the tire, squeeze and hold counting to 10 or as much as you feel is necessary.

Heads up! If you are very sore, take it easy, little by little, respect the limits of your body and follow your intuition.

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