Find Peace with the Dalai Lama's Website

    Webcams, social networks and messaging apps make communication easier, but they can also alienate people and spread negative messages. But, what if we use technology to bring together and carry positive messages? With that in mind, the Dalai Lama called on scientists to develop an “Atlas of Emotions”. Also called “Map of the Mind”, the site aims to transform people into “more self-aware, compassionate humans” and help them find inner peace.

    Find Peace with the Dalai Lama's Website

    In this task, psychologist Paul Ekman, a friend of the Dalai Lama and consultant who helped the creators of the movie “Inside Out,” and his daughter, Eve Ekman, worked in collaboration with 149 neuroscientists and psychologists and came to the conclusion that there are five categories of emotions. : anger, fear, disgust, sadness and satisfaction, all with sub-levels, actions and nuances. The researchers took the findings to a mapping and visualization company to make this information an interactive online guide.

    The value of the project (US$ 750 thousand) was paid for by the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Buddhist leader has revealed that he is not a technology adept and will use a model printed especially for him, who joked: "Technology is for my next incarnation."

    • Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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