Feng Shui Tips for Small Places

O Feng Shui brings together practices to renew energy in homes and professional environments. In the Chinese technique, disorganization, dirt and objects that make it difficult to close the doors block the flow of energy and therefore should be avoided. Learn about other behaviors that should also be avoided:
  • Put away old and broken things;
  • Leave the toilet and bathroom door open;
  • Having electronic devices in the rooms;
  • Have square and rectangular furniture.
Feng Shui for small spaces

The technique is not a seven-headed beast, but applying it in small environments is a challenge. If this is your case, check out tips here. Feng Shui for small places.

Feng Shui Tips for Small Places


Kitchenettes, studios and lofts are apartments without separations. an idea of Feng Shui for this type of property is to create partitions with tall plants, rice paper with painted canvas, curtain line and bookcase. To find out which one is most suitable, you should look for a specialist to analyze the property and issue an opinion. For studios and small apartments that need a divider in the south area, linked to work, tall plants, red curtain line and wooden screen or shelf are the recommended dividers.

Bright colors

They are the most suitable for small apartments, as they provide clarity. If possible, use a light floor pattern in all rooms, so that the room appears larger.

Illuminated main door

The main door is the “mouth of Chi”, or universal energy. For the Feng Shui, the entrance must be open and clear in order to facilitate the entry of positive energy. Good lighting and works of art near the main door attract and help the circulation of energy, but be careful not to place too many objects close so as not to make it difficult for people to pass.


Feng Shui Tips for Small Places

No Feng Shui, empty walls mean lack of perspectives. Pictures and decorations help the flow of energy in the room, but don't go overboard. Another idea for the wall is to paint it a darker blue.

Positioning the sofa against the wall, facing the entrance door, conveys hospitality and favors the circulation of positive energy.

Curtains and mirrors in bedrooms

In small apartment rooms, floor-to-ceiling curtains and mirrors add to the ambiance. In the case of mirrors, they cannot reflect walls or furniture edges so as not to direct negative energy to the residents. You should also avoid placing mirrors near the bed so as not to frighten the person as soon as he wakes up. The best spots to place mirrors are the East (family/health), Southeast (self-knowledge) and North (success) areas.

Rounded shapes in the kitchen

Use little furniture, preferably multifunctional and with rounded lines to optimize space  and avoid accidents.

Very simple ideas Feng Shui for small places, huh? Put them into practice at your home and tell us how it went. And, to learn more about it, click here and read all the contents.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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