Discover Holistic Therapy

    Increasingly, the demand for holistic treatment has grown, which aims to care for the human being as a whole, treating the patient and not just the disease. We all have a physical, an energetic and a spiritual body and we should not treat them separately.

    Holistic therapy aims to find a balance between the psychic, the social and the corporeal, teaching the individual to know himself and work on all these points in search of his well-being.

    Symptoms such as shoulder and back pain, physical and emotional stress, anguish, anxiety, PMS, among others, are caused when these fields are in disharmony in our body. Through an evaluation, the therapist seeks in us what is causing these symptoms and develops a treatment to eliminate it.

    In Spain, the most used techniques of holistic therapy are: Reiki, acupuncture, tai-chi-chuan, yoga, massage therapy, florals, among others. There is no standard in this type of treatment, unlike conventional medicine in which the same disease is treated the same in different people, in holistic therapy each case is dealt with according to each individual, respecting the particularities of each one. 

    Discover Holistic TherapyA fever, for example, is a sign of some inflammation in the body. In conventional medicine, the causes are ignored, seeking only the disappearance of inflammation, which according to holistic therapy does not eliminate the cause, and there may be other manifestations.

    The holistic therapist seeks the focus of the problem, considers the entire history of the patient, talks not only about the symptoms, but seeks to know personal information, in order to find facts that may be causing the discomfort and helping the person to understand them. if better, being able not only to find treatment, but to avoid getting sick again.

    Holistic therapy works by connecting the physical and energetic body, seeking harmony between them. The therapist does the treatment, but the most important thing is to teach the person to seek this harmony alone, without always depending on therapy, learning to deal with the body and emotions.

    It is important to emphasize that the holistic therapist is not a doctor, so he does not make diagnoses or prescribe medication. An evaluation of the case is made to find the problem and in addition to the recommended treatment, it is common to prescribe only natural remedies.

    Therefore, when opting for this type of treatment, it is important to be very careful in choosing this professional, researching the history and training well, so as not to be deceived by false promises of miraculous cures. 

    • Text written by Carolina Peixoto from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
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