Discordant energies generate physical discomfort

    Have you ever walked into a place and not felt well? Something was bothering you, but you didn't know what it was? Many have this kind of reaction when they come across environments or even people that make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we don't know why and we don't even want to see the situation that way.

    Headaches, nausea, dizziness and chills are some symptoms that we can have when we are uncomfortable in a situation of this type. However, we always think it could be something related to stress and our daily rush, with problems at work, studies or family. But stay tuned! Not always a simple medication that eliminates the discomfort of our body is the solution.

    First we have to analyze the cause of it. Is what we feel always related to the hustle and bustle of our daily lives? It is important to observe how often this happens, so we get to know our own body better and do not go beyond its limits.

    We are surrounded by energies positive e negative. These forces are not difficult to notice when, for example, we are around people who bring us joy and vibrate with their victory. Undoubtedly, it is someone surrounded by good thoughts and who should be close to you. In turn, negativity can also be easily attracted when we are not on the same wavelength with someone.

    Arguments, fights, intrigues, verbal aggression and discouraging words can bring you down. Now, we already know that, in addition to the common discomfort caused by daily complications, there is also a major cause that comes from higher energies. How can we differentiate?

    Most of the time, when dealing with energetic issues and we fix our thoughts on them, on what is bothering us, sending bad forces away and mentalizing what is good for you, the symptoms disappear and everything seems to improve. It's the famous "power of thought". It is the superior control that our mind has over our body. And we are solely responsible for piloting this ship.

    Discordant energies generate physical discomfort

    We have to be careful, because if we take time to notice the negative side reaching us, we can harm ourselves and spend a longer time with bad energies on our body. The result? That discomfort said at the beginning will undoubtedly be more impactful and we can also attract people with negative forces around us.

    Some tips can help keep our mind in balance and, consequently, in conjunction with the body and also away from physical discomfort. In addition to always keeping our minds on good ideas, let's get to know more things that can keep us comfortable and, therefore, happier:

    • Complain less and solve more;
    • Avoid people and places that can hurt you just by being around;
    • Repair your health pattern and ask yourself if something different can be caused by bad energies;
    • Imagine good thoughts and try to relax. A physical activity or sport is great for creating distractions and eliminating bad things that may be stuck in your body;
    • Understand the reasons that lead you to feel bad before taking medication;
    • Balance your body and mind with greater forces that can take you up and seek to happen.

    Doing good and feeling good is very important for good physical and mental health. Of course, there are moments and certain situations that lead us to an explosion, to a desire to say what we shouldn't, to do what we don't want to. The greatest care that everyone should take before fulfilling sudden desires is not to regret it the next day or even the next hour.

    Thinking before acting is essential and ideal for us to be firmer, stronger and more balanced. Don't let bad energies take over all your thoughts. Allow yourself only good things and, in this way, you will see that it is much easier to find comfortable, cozy people and places that make us want more.

    • Text written by Natalia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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