Did you know that before applying crystals it is very important to prepare them?

    Crystals need preparation for application with the aim of healing and balancing our physical and vital body.

    When we apply the crystals in the chakras or in a certain region of the body, they act by amplifying or absorbing the energies of this region, favoring the balance and restoring the energies present in the region.

    We usually apply the crystals for at least 10 minutes, keeping them positioned in the center of each chakra. It is important that before each application, the crystal is properly prepared, with crystal cleaning, energizing and programming.

    Did you know that before applying crystals it is very important to prepare them?Cleaning consists of leaving the crystal immersed in water with coarse salt, in a glass container, for at least three hours. We can also clean a crystal by placing it on the ground, in a vase with plants for example. In addition to this way, we can also clean a crystal using river or sea water.

    After cleaning, we have the power-up process. Just leave the crystal in the sun or moon bath. Some therapists indicate the full moon to enhance energization. After 12 hours, the crystal is ready to receive the programming.

    Programming is the process where the crystal will receive the intention. You need to hold the crystal in your hand and imagine something good, something you really want, like a cure for a disease installed in a certain organ of the physical body. This is the most important step. Your thinking needs to be true for correct crystal programming.

    Ready, the crystal can be placed in your chakras! Place the crystal at the center of each energy field, each chakra, or the diseased region of your body. Keep your thoughts beneficial, believing in the restoration of energies, in the cleaning of fluids not necessary for your body.

    Ideally, you should use one crystal per chakra. After application, crystal positioning and activation of the expected benefits, the crystal must be removed and stored. Try to keep it in a reserved place, and at least once a week repeat the cycle of cleaning, energizing and programming.
    It is important that your thoughts remain in harmony during therapy and constantly seek balance in the mind, which will reflect to your physical and vital organism all the healing, harmony and balance that your body needs.

    Remember: balance starts in our thoughts! Start thinking good to the next.

    Success and light to all!

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