crystals for meditation

    In the present day, we are living a very special moment of our paths as humanity. We have reached a point where the excess of materialism and unbridled capitalism made, and makes, people start to question if only that would satisfy them, after all, if with all this excess of material things, cars, clothes, trips, apartments and jewelry, we didn't reach a point of fulfillment and inner satisfaction, maybe the path needed to be adjusted to reach a point with more meaning and a sense of fulfillment.

    With all these changes happening inside and outside of human beings, there was a search for ways out and answers hitherto neglected by Western culture, answers that have always existed in Eastern culture, but which were not seriously heard by the dominant Western minds of past centuries. These answers are the great spiritual teachings of the East, which since time immemorial bring the answers to the greatest yearning of the human being, which is to discover who he really is and why he is here.

    The main point of virtually all Eastern doctrines, religions and philosophies is that in order to self-realize, that is, to find the answers to the above questions and find a point of fulfillment, we must learn to look within ourselves and recognize that the divinity that all religions worship is manifested within every human being and we just need to access this divine source within us to find all the answers we need and move on in a life with purpose and harmony.

    This “inward look” proposed by all these spiritualist lines is mainly due to meditation techniques., techniques that aim to train the student to look within himself, leaving the mind more focused and calm to receive the impulses of his true Self, his Soul, Divine Spark, Higher Self or any other name we want to give it. (I know these names mentioned above are not exactly the same thing, but they all express meaning from a higher source that we can tap into for our spirit's answers.)

    As it could not be otherwise, crystals can also be great aids in the meditation process, towards meeting our true inner self. I would like to present three crystals to you, which I think are very helpful in this process. Each one of them has a different level of performance and each one of them will play a part in this process of re-encountering the “God” that dwells within us. Are they: AMETISTA, HELIODORO and DAMBURITA. We will approach them one by one, explaining some of their peculiarities that can help us in our meditations.


    crystals for meditation

    This crystal is the first one we should choose when we are starting to learn to meditate and starting to enter this world of self-knowledge. Amethyst is a violet colored quartz and has in its essence the possibility of helping us to raise our consciousness, step by step, to improve our ability to calm the mind and start the perception of the most subtle impulses coming from within. It also helps us to open up to new ideas and possibilities, after all, when we connect with our internal purpose, we will often be driven to make some adjustments in our lives, and if we keep a very rigid and “inside the box” posture, we won’t we will be able to align ourselves with that which resonates with our life purpose. (For beginners, the ideal is to meditate a few months with the amethyst before moving to the next crystal, but her intuition will tell the right time).


    crystals for meditation

    This crystal is the golden variety of Beryl, which has other famous crystals in its family, such as Emerald, Aquamarine and Morganite. Heliodorus is the crystal that will be used after we meditate for a while with Amethyst. He was chosen to come after Amethyst, as he helps us to bring to our mind and body the Wisdom that our Spirit possesses, acquired throughout all its existences. This crystal has the golden frequency of Wisdom and its use will drive us to trust our “inner voice” more, knowing that we already know a lot within us and that we must learn to trust this inner voice to choose the directions of our lives in a better way. wise and aligned with our inner truth. (Here is also the suggestion to meditate for a few months with this crystal before moving on to the next one).


    crystals for meditation

    Danburite is a very special crystal and a little more difficult to find, but in specialized stores it is possible to find it. This white colored crystal represents a slightly more mature spiritual level, where the person is able to truly recognize that the true divine essence dwells within their being and that the greatest efforts must be towards connecting and becoming familiar with the true source of knowledge that is his divine nature. This crystal helps people to project their expectations less on people, masters and gurus, as it helps to recognize that the spiritual level they reached, they only did so because they learned to recognize and surrender to their inner divinities, so everyone who does will reach the same level.

    All the TRUE great masters and gurus can and SHOULD be heard and their teachings are of inestimable value, however there are some who call themselves masters and gurus who do not encourage their disciples to seek their true spiritual gifts for themselves and to follow with their own legs. , because it is more interesting to have blind disciples who do not evolve and are manipulated like puppets. Let us remember that the true Guru and Master encourages the disciple to be like them, after all, one day they were like us. If this doesn't happen to your Guru/Master, RUN! (Again, this is just a suggestion).

    Finally, Danburita is of inestimable value for the moment we are living, because we are discovering, through the teachings of the great eastern philosophies, that we can seek a much fuller life and that our true master lives within us, he is our true guru. , and that we must increase our efforts to learn to recognize this truth and be able to align our lives with our life purpose, for only then will we be fully realized.

    Now that we have seen these three crystals, I would like to make a few final thoughts to help with the “HOW TO MEDITATE WITH CRYSTALS” process:

    – Find a quiet and peaceful place, where you will not be disturbed;

    – If you like, put on some music with sounds of nature, the one that best suits you;

    – Sit, preferably on the floor on a cushion or in a chair if the floor is too uncomfortable;

    – If you choose to sit on the floor, cross your legs like “Indian legs” or more advanced postures such as the Lotus or Semi-Lotus posture;

    – Take the chosen crystal and hold it, preferably in your left hand. No rules, okay? This is just a suggestion;

    – Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth;

    – After the breaths, begin to imagine that the crystal in your hands is slowly increasing in size until it is larger than your body. You will be “inside” the crystal;

    – Hold this visualization for a while, 2 to 3 minutes, it's great;

    – After doing this visualization, you will be able to undo this mental image;

    – Now, without imagining anything else, just relax your mind and go "lovingly" letting all thoughts go and perceiving body sensations, insights and intuitions. It is not necessary to feel anything, in fact, the ideal is to have as little “information” as possible, but this process of perceiving oneself is part of meditation;

    – Keep your mind “quiet” or “almost quiet”, as it is very difficult to quiet it in the beginning, for as long as you wish;

    – I suggest just 5 minutes a day at the beginning of the practice, then increase by 5 minutes each new week. I believe that 1 hour a day is the ideal goal. (With or without crystals);

    – As for the weekly frequency, I believe that three times a week is the minimum, and the goal is to meditate every day.

    Once again I would like to make it clear that the selected crystals are only suggestions and that there are MANY others that can be used for this purpose. I selected the ones I found most plausible for the purpose we have in this article.

    And as a last message, I would like to emphasize an important point, just as the true Masters and Gurus urge us not to depend on them and to find our true essences and answers within ourselves, after some time meditating with the crystals, the same process will happen, you won't need them anymore. They are just “means” to facilitate the process, they are great masters of the mineral kingdom who help every sincere seeker to find what has always existed within each of us, but that for some reason we forget and end up losing ourselves!

    Big hug!

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