Crystals for children and your inner child

That children are pure beings and that they transmit good energy, we all know. But if we delve into the term “energy” from an esoteric perspective, we can also say that these adorable little ones are, in fact, endowed with high energies and good frequencies.

But because they are so pure and light, children are also more susceptible to absorbing bad energies, and worse: having their energy drained or even blocked. If you are a parent or guardian, or if you still have contact with children you love, you will certainly want to protect these rare gems.

Fortunately, there are several ways to shield our little ones, and the use of crystals is one of them. Crystals promote harmony, balancing our energy field, thanks to their physicochemical properties. They are excellent healing tools for various ailments, both physical, mental and spiritual.

In this article, we bring you three options of stones capable of protecting children from bad energies. The information is from the Forever Conscious website, provided by Elina Allais, writer, Reiki practitioner and crystal therapist.

Elina Allais is the author of the e-book “The Inspiring Story of 33 Crystals”. Her Facebook page is @CrystalPoems and her YouTube channel is Crystal Vibes.

Check out our tips and put them into practice now! Oh, and if you don't have children or contact with any children, using crystals can help you connect with your inner child, allowing you to recover your most genuine energies and heal your pain, making peace with the past.

3 ideal crystals for children

rose quartz

Crystals for children and your inner child
Koka from Getty Images/Canva

Rose quartz is an excellent purifier, as well as radiating energies of loving and peaceful feelings. It helps to reduce aggression, and its high vibration energy allows connection to higher dimensions, putting us in touch with our spirit guides.

According to Elina, “The calming and nurturing vibrations of Rose Quartz crystal offer support and a sense of comfort to children who are going through a difficult time, such as their first disappointment or grief for a family member.”

This crystal is able to reactivate feelings of joy and playfulness, so common in childhood. It brings back a look with less seriousness and more joviality and wit. It connects us back to the innocence of the tender days of our lives.

Another very important function of rose quartz, according to the expert, is the ability to unblock our heart chakra when it comes to toxic relationships. It helps us regain the certainty that we deserve to be loved, no matter how much we have been hurt or hurt someone else.


Crystals for children and your inner child
Kerrick de Getty Images Signature / Canva

This stone radiates love, peace and tranquility, making it an excellent choice for meditation practice. It nourishes body, soul and heart, bringing balance, which is excellent for children, especially in controlling anxious states, relieving emotional trauma and alleviating fears.

For the specialist, larimar also helps to develop communicative skills in children, thanks to its harmonic vibrations, which help the child to establish clear communication and express the truth without fear or judgment.

In addition to the feeling of peace and relaxation, this stone has a mix of energies that favors both intellectual growth and an affectionate interaction of children with the world, as well as encouraging them to express their artistic skills.


Crystals for children and your inner child
Michel VIARD from Getty Images / Canva

Considered one of the most powerful protective stones, malachite is ideal for preserving the sensitive energies of children. It not only “holds” these energies, it also prevents children from absorbing toxic vibrations.

This crystal favors growth and expansion, helping us to face change with an open mind. For this reason, it is great for little ones, as it helps in the learning process and information acquisition. What's more, it has properties that especially invigorate children who suffer from exhaustion, and even give them a boost to face stressful moments at school.

Elina Allais further explains that, for adults, malachite encourages them to “see the world from a new perspective” and that the stone “reminds us of what it’s like to feel full of curiosity and wonder”, just like a child deals with. with everything you discover.

For children, every discovery is a moment of wonder, and they find joy even in the little things. This is the feeling that malachite helps us to rescue.

Crystal meditation to connect with the inner child

In her article, Elina teaches us a simple malachite meditation practice so that we can connect with our inner child. Follow these steps created by the therapist:

Sit comfortably in a quiet location. Relax your body and mind by taking at least three deep breaths.

Then use one of the stones indicated in the article and hold it. Close your eyes and visualize brilliant golden light radiating from the crystal. Follow the light as it gently takes you through time and space back to when you were a child.

Try to think of an experience or situation in your childhood that made you feel especially happy and excited. Try to remember as many details as possible, such as where you were, the sights, smells and sounds of that place, as well as the feelings you had. Try not to judge or label the experience you had.

Stay in this meditative state for as long as you like. So open your eyes and slowly bring your awareness back to the outside world. You can repeat this statement channeled by the specialist, out loud or mentally: “I know that, inside me, there lives the same child that I used to be. I feel pure and playful as I hug her with my loving energy.”

Crystals are powerful energetic instruments capable of filtering and altering the vibrations emanating from us and the environments where we are. They are great tools to help us preserve our children's energies. They are the future of the world, they are our happiness, and it is our duty to protect them from anything that puts their physical and emotional integrity at risk.

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Try doing this protection ritual not only with today's children. Also do it to rescue your inner child, to remind you of how good it was to be happy without much effort.

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