Charity: the great lesson of love!

    I start this short text with a simple question: have you ever done any volunteer work, practicing true charity? If not, here's an invitation that will change your life!

    When we give ourselves the chance to help someone, in the first place, it is us who are being helped: learning so many life lessons; the exchange of experiences; the opportunity to give our best without wanting anything in return; the gratitude of those who somehow want to thank you; and the best, forgetting our small problems, small yes, because when we face so many other difficulties experienced by others we see abundance and prosperity in our lives. We learn to increasingly value achievements, health, the love of family members, daily joy.

    Each one who gives as a volunteer has a different experience, but I don't know in all cases a negative testimonial, on the contrary, I always see people change for the better, exposing their best to the world, donating true love to the universe. No one would say the experience harmed him.

    Charity: the great lesson of love!
    Caleb Frith / Unsplash

    Some religions encourage volunteering based on biblical teachings, their philosophies, the experience of great enlightened people such as Jesus e Buddha, is one of the paths to the call to work, but not the only one. The will to work arises in each one, at each different moment, and often it does not arise but is imposed by the lessons that life brings us. It is up here not to close your eyes to the opportunity, surrender, donate your best, love will be the energy needed to move forward.

    Take every chance that life gives you to practice charity, be kind, be loving, be humble. Help our dear old people, teach a child, listen to the one who needs to vent, hug the one who is needy, cook for the one who is hungry, bring warmth to the one who is cold, guide the one who is lost and don't expect anything, nothing in return. And you will feel a huge wave of love enveloping you, an immense joy accompanying you and a full happiness in your life that you have never felt before.

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    Don't think: “I am an example of a charitable woman”, oh no, not really. I still have a long way of learning and action to go, but I take advantage of these few lines to invite you to this divine experience and to feel in your hearts that love that I feel today when I have the opportunity to put true charity into practice.

    May everyone have this opportunity! Good work to all, lots of light, success and prosperity in your lives!

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