Changes don't cause fear

Beloved! We live in a long awaited time! Emissaries from Above, at all times, brought encouraging messages, announcing the GOOD TIMES that are now beginning to manifest. Earth humanity knew that these times would come, as they are written in the Creator's blueprints.

You are a Spirit who came to Earth to experience corporeal life shrouded in the veil with very limited consciousness. He was assured that it would only be for a certain time and that after that time he would return to a higher level. THAT TIME HAS COME!

The human collective has the competence to decide on the way to make this transition. Each awakened consciousness has the capacity and decision-making power equivalent to a thousand unawakened consciousnesses. In this way, there is no risk that those deserving for their efforts will pay the high price because of those who did nothing.

In recent years, there have been several waves of awakening. This made it possible to change several possible timelines for the entire Planet. Although there are cosmic rules and support from Benevolent Beings, what determines the advance or delay of the Planetary Transition and its events are these Timelines.

The critical mass needed for a smooth Planetary Transition was reached in January 2019. Collective meditations are forms of expression and intention. Since that of 21/01/19, new important and benevolent Timelines have emerged. They determined how the long-awaited change will go.

Changes don't cause fear

The possibilities through catastrophes were practically all ruled out. Obviously, some events may still occur, as they have always been present on this Planet, but no event that brings harm, either to the Planet or to any of its realms, will be permitted by Above. Even if there are profound changes in your geography, no unnecessary pain will be caused to anyone.

Yes, there will be profound changes and they are knocking at our door. But you will always be very welcome! We are ready and looking forward to the great show that is about to begin. In this rest of our calendar year and in the next 4-5 years, all the events that will determine the vibrational shift of the Planet will take place, regardless of the will of those who held the controlling power of humanity.

There will still be a time for adaptation, as Planetary Transition means the end of one time and the beginning of another. But the worst is over. Even if it seems the other way around, rest assured that what you are seeing has always existed. The difference is that now the Light shows everything. Everything is revealed almost instantly.

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Yes, there will be a New Financial System (QFS). There will be a new standard of government. There will be a change of command of the Media. Religions will become unnecessary. Teaching will also be completely overhauled. Science will be an ally of humanity, ceasing to be a manipulation mechanism, as it has been until now. The lie will cease to exist, for the truth will be above all, since it is conscience itself. There will be no possibility of anyone deceiving another.

Earth is a feminine Planet. She is MOTHER. She is a provider. It is one of the richest planets in the entire Universe. No being should live in want of anything it needs. The experience in duality has come to an end. Misery is over! Exploitation will no longer exist. Pain and suffering will be things of the past. Censorship, excesses, control and slavery will be memories of a time lived to experience what it would be like for a Spirit who is LIGHT to live the shadow side.

Life in duality is likened to a SCAM. All difficulties are pre-determined, in order to create possibilities for your participants to find and develop alternatives, with the aim of winning each race. In the end, there will be awards to those who completed the tests, and especially to those who stood out with the best results. Even the last ones always get important experiences, which will give them a certain knowledge in future opportunities.

Changes don't cause fear
Rebbe Pascual / Unsplash

DON'T BE AFRAID OF CHANGES! Don't give too much importance to the difficulty predictions. Everyone will go through what they need to go through! Each one will be exactly where it should be. Each one made a project for this current incarnation. Each has a soul purpose. And everything will be fulfilled according to the Divine Laws and according to our free will. We are responsible only for our own actions. The action of the other is his sole responsibility.

Not everything that someone interprets as a prediction will happen, as Timelines can change constantly. And even if the result is as advertised, the way to get there can be done in many ways. Earth is in Transition. When a total renovation is carried out in our house, changes can arise every day according to the progress of the work. It is necessary to understand this so as not to create false expectations and unnecessary alarms. But changes are happening and that's all. Trust the Plan!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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