Carta ao Dr. Bach

    Carta ao Dr. Bach

    Rio de Janeiro, March 2016

    Hello dear Dr. Bach! I know you're fine.

    Only the miracle of quantum explanations and the possibility of jumping in temporality, going to the past, through emotional and cognitive connections, allowed me to be able to write to you and imagine an encounter that happened through books, essences tuned by you and our consciences.

    I feel you very close, but I don't know how to refer to you.

    I confess that I have enough respect and admiration to call him a doctor, but I want to feel fraternally close and imagine myself as a student, because we have Flower Therapy in common. And, more than that, we have a history of paradigm ruptures in search of an intelligibility of the human being.

    Who is the human? How does your process of spiritual evolution happen, which does not only circumscribe this incarnation? How can I help you in your suffering? These are reflections that I have been sharing with you.

    I read several of your books. Especially in Cura-te a ti yourself, I thought that rewriting it several times, until it gained the density that allows the reader to read each word and each sentence, looking for the meanings and dialoguing with life itself, was a kind attitude on your part, Dr. Edward Bach. 

    I speak of kindness, because its production allows the reader to integrate with the text as the artist does with the produced artifact and, in this integration, the content read becomes part of the reader's subjectivity, making him think about his life, his choices, your emotional states and your health.

    That was my encounter with a text I had already read, but now deeply reflected and introjected into my life, causing reflections and changes. A dialogicity was created that made me question whether they were Dr. Bach or if they were my own words, because you expressed several premises that are dear to me in the treatment with Flower Therapy and in my representation of human life.

    "Cura-ti a ti mesmo"

    Short but powerful sentence.

    By doing this reading in dialogue with your text, many perceptions were possible for me. Starting with the originality of his writing, as his text brings a new paradigm of scientificity. Don't think I'm belittling him. I believe that this presentation of your text was a deliberate artifice to bring a new form of reflection and scientific production to the medical sciences. 

    You were a visionary, you wrote a dogmatic text in which all that does not exist is objectivity or the distance between author and object of study. You, with your flowers and flower essences, defended dogmas in a production that mixed knowledge about spirituality, human nature and ethical, happy and responsible living in this world.

    I was so involved with the essences and with the proposal of the new Medicine, that it is not possible to separate who Dr. Bach, of essences and scientific postulates.

    I know that he wanted to bring the references of a new way of conceiving health, by thinking of it as a holistic, quantum, simple and natural phenomenon in human existence. In his words, the purpose of this book was:

    “It is humbly hoped that he will be a guide for all who suffer to seek within themselves the true origin of their ills, so that they can help in healing themselves”.

    (BACH, 2006, p.15).

    And in response to the many questions your book raised in me, I created a loving and admired representation of you as a walker. A walker that gives the sick person the possibility of understanding the subjectivity of the disease and finding a cure.

    On this path, it was possible to perceive the materiality of his premises by feeling the pain in my every step and in the echo of his words: the cause of illness lies in the disharmony between the soul and the personality, above all, in the need to live the good with joy common ground and unconditional love, elements that bring us closer to the Creator Father and help us to carry out a mission that must be lived in peace.

    Your story affected my life a lot, I had a calcaneal spur and plantar fasciitis, diseases that I accepted because I needed to stop running so much along paths that were distancing me from my Soul and my peace. It felt like stepping on thorns. I was not satisfied with the paths taken, always in a hurry, superficiality and without the affection that I have the condition and desire to dedicate to people.

    I got sick In the pain, I could see how my soul was wandering and that I needed to find myself. For that, I would need to be aware and make choices, accept that some decisions involve losses and risks that I didn't want to take. The reflection was only possible from the pain in my feet that made it impossible for me to walk.

    I still don't know where to go, dear master, but I realized that I needed to reflect on my steps and choose the paths I want to take from now on. Getting out of the emotional state of indecision and taking control of my life again with calm, peace and tenderness. As you so well explained.

    I knew that the disease and that my emotional states were caused by experiences of pain, and as the poet Milton Nascimento said: “For so much love, for so much emotion. Life made me like this.” I am imperfect, but I keep looking for a way out of the personal and professional labyrinths that led me to disillusionment. I am emotion incarnate and nothing passes me without arousing feelings.

    Like the artist who cannot imagine the finished work, I am living the process of Floral Therapy, each step, each moment and each learning through contact with this work of yours. I understood that illness occurs when we allow others to interfere with our life purpose and that “health is success, happiness and true service. To serve through love, in perfect freedom and in our own way.” (BACH 2012ª, p. 104)

    When reading Heal yourself, it was clear how much you wrote it for doctors in the desire to reformulate medicine from the reformulation of the concept of disease and the sick.

    I can only confess my admiration and my desire to have him as a teacher. My feet are already better. I thank you for that.

    With love,

    TaĂ­sa Vliese

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