Boost your self-esteem with the energy of your birth day

    In the previous article “Learn to Deal with Your Feelings in Times of Crisis”, I talked about the opportunities that arise in times of crisis and explained how to take advantage of it to elevate emotions and feelings. Today, I come with the proposal to raise your self-esteem.

    According to the dictionary, self-esteem brings the meaning of appreciation and appreciation of oneself, of having confidence in one's own actions and thoughts. Once we balance our emotions, our feelings and thoughts, we need to believe in the person we are and the person we will be from now on, always aiming for the best, even if we fall more often in life. What will make us stand up every time is the conviction of ourselves, that is, a person with high self-esteem does not doubt himself.

    She understands the set of virtues and shadows that she is, without victimizing herself or boasting about it, and this inner firmness is personal and non-transferable. But do you know what humanity's greatest sin is? It's getting used to low self-esteem and empowering others; thinking that it was the other who harmed, that the other is bad, to the point of blaming society, the government, etc.

    Have you ever said that if you weren't such a person, you would be happy today? If it weren't for my boss, would I be in such a position at the company today? Well, these are some of the small reactions of those who have doubts about themselves and, due to external variations, end up oscillating in self-esteem.

    Boost your self-esteem with the energy of your birth day
    Hirurg / Getty Images Signature / Canva

    Of course, there are very specific cases that come from traumas and living situations that can come from childhood. That's what therapists and psychologists are for. But, for situations in which the person can correct himself, the analyzes discussed here make him think and want to act for himself.

    And, to help you kick-start your self-esteem, I will use the vibrational study of numbers, which is a powerful tool for self-knowledge.

    Our birth day speaks of our inner personality, which represents who we are inside, our true essence of life, and where our self-esteem lies. If we make our number negative, we suffer from low self-esteem. If we do the positive, we protect ourselves and raise our vibrations and our self-esteem.

    Below, I bring the list of numbers and their meanings from the 01st to the 22nd. People who were born between the 23rd and 31st should add the two digits and reduce it to a number. For convenience, see the table below:

    day 23

    2 + 3 = 5

    day 26

    2 + 6 = 8

    day 29

    2 + 9 = 11

    day 24

    2 + 4 = 6

    day 27

    2 + 7 = 9

    day 30

    3 + 0 = 3

    day 25

    2 + 5 = 7

    day 28

    2 + 8 = 10

    day 31

    3 + 1 = 4

    Raise your self-esteem through your birth day

    Boost your self-esteem with the energy of your birth day
    Eternal Happiness / Pexels / Canva

    Day 01 = Your courage in life raises your self-esteem. Don't allow yourself to have more fears;

    Then 02 = Your intuitive power raises your self-esteem. Don't block or doubt your inner voice anymore;

    Day 03 and 30 = Your joie de vivre raises your self-esteem. Don't allow yourself to suffer or be sad anymore;

    Day 04 and 31 = Your values ​​guide your life and raise your self-esteem. Don't trade your values;

    Day 05 and 23 = Your faith in life raises your self-esteem. Don't allow other people's doubts or guesses to dampen your faith;

    Day 06 and 24 = Your emotions and your love of life raise your self-esteem. Don't allow doubts, attachments and discords to take the love out of yourself;

    Day 07 and 25 = Having the reins of your own life in your hands raises your self-esteem. Do not transfer this responsibility to anyone;

    Day 08 and 26 = Your sense of loyalty and justice raises your self-esteem. Do not be dishonest or engage in corruption and wrongdoing;

    Day 09 and 27 = Knowledge elevates your life. Don't allow yourself to stagnate in life;

    Day 10 and 28 = Being in constant movement and in a balanced way is what raises your self-esteem. Don't allow yourself to suffer with emotional ups and downs anymore;

    Day 11 and 29 = Being and acting through rational intelligence raises your self-esteem. No longer allow yourself to act on impulses or self-demands;

    Then 12 = Having faith and seeing life from another angle raises your self-esteem. Let him no longer become a victim of himself steeped in the grudges of the past;

    Then 13 = Being dynamic and transforming life raises your self-esteem, but without radicalism;

    Day 14 = Inner peace and serenity raises your self-esteem. Do not allow them to take away your peace and harmony any longer;

    Boost your self-esteem with the energy of your birth day
    StockSnap / Pixabay / Canva

    Day 15 = Taking care of your vanity and living the pleasures of life raise your self-esteem. She does not exaggerate;

    Then 16 = Having the power to rebuild yourself in life raises your self-esteem. Do not be proud or paralyze in the face of difficulties;

    Then 17 = Your optimism raises your self-esteem. Don't let them spoil your dreams or create unrealistic expectations;

    Then 18 = Your creative and spiritual power elevates your self-esteem. A constant search for self-knowledge is necessary to keep yourself balanced in life;

    Then 19 = Your joy and your desire to expand in life raise your self-esteem. Don't let them dim your shine;

    Then 20 = Your critical sense and the search for opportunities raise your self-esteem. Don't be so critical or bitter about the past. Go straight on;

    • Find out how to deal with your feelings in times of crisis
    • Study the difference between self-love and self-esteem
    • Face your fears with five must-have tips
    • Steps to improve your self-esteem
    • Factors that determine your self-esteem
    • What is self-esteem according to psychology?

    Then 21 = Your desire to conquer the world raises your self-esteem. Don't allow yourself to close in on your own solitude or to think you are too much in relation to others;

    Then 22 = Your desire for freedom raises your self-esteem. Don't let them put you in prison or cling to your own illusions.

    I wish you, from now on, to work in yourself the reception of your own being.

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