Balance the first chakra for more stability in your life

Maybe you're that person who doesn't even know what chakras are...

“Is it to be eaten?”

If that's your case, it doesn't matter. Everything is fine. As I talk to my students, it's always time to learn something new (better late than never, right?). But if you've come this far, whether or not you know what chakras are, it's for a specific reason, and possibly that reason is some discomfort or discontent you've been experiencing in your life. And I'm really glad to know that you're looking for a solution. Half way has been covered so far.

In a very summarized way, chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel”, and in real terms, it represents the countless energy centers that we have spread throughout our body and that act as vortexes for the absorption and externalization of our vital energy., making energetic exchanges between the environment, the people around us and our being, our aura. In addition, these energy centers are connected from our physical body to our most subtle body, making their proper functioning essential for our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual health.

Balance the first chakra for more stability in your life

In this and the following articles, we will learn more about the seven main (and best known) chakras, and consequently, how its good or bad functioning directly affects us, so that we can be more attentive to your health and ours as well.

Before we begin, it is important to point out that there are several lines of knowledge that study the chakras and that, for this very reason, there may be divergences of information out there. The ones I bring to you in this and the following articles are the result of my own research carried out over the years, crossing and gathering different sources of information. So I recommend that you do your own research to understand what makes the most sense to you, okay? My truth is not absolute… far from it!

Balance the first chakra for more stability in your life

That said, in this article we will start with the first one: the Basic Chakra or Root Chakra. In Sanskrit it is called Muladhara chakra. This energy center is located in the pelvic region of both men and women, between the reproductive organ and the anus. It is represented by the color red, and when balanced, it is responsible for our survival instinct, our connection to the physical world, our sense of security, our stability, vitality, loyalty, prosperity, patience, tenacity, career success, among many others. other aspects of our life. In addition, it is responsible for the proper functioning, mainly, of our lower digestive system, our adrenal glands and our spine.

When out of balance, it can affect the gut, cause blood or bone disorders, obesity, anorexia, anxiety, financial problems, chronic fear, materialism and general instability. In short, it is the center that most connects us with the basic issues of our physical existence. Therefore, the element connected to this chakra is the earth element.

You might also like:
  • Chakras: what they are and how they work
  • Understanding the power of chakras
  • chakra affirmations

If you have any of these symptoms mentioned above, perhaps it is time for you to pay special attention to this chakra and begin to balance and harmonize it. There are countless ways to do this, but the one I bring to you here is meditation.

Next, I suggest that you let's do a meditation together that, although very brief, I'm sure will bring many benefits to your life right away, if you do it with dedication. We will use the power of the visualization of the color red and the bija mantra LAM to work our right to HAVE through the Muladhara chakra. You can do it as many times as you want, over several days, or just once – feel in your heart what's best for you, okay? If you prefer, you can also mentalize, whenever you feel like it, the affirmation “I am stable, strong and healthy”.

Ready? Shall we meditate? Namaste!

Balance the first chakra for more stability in your life

Meditation Link: Click to open on Spotify

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