Bach Flowers and Astrological Signs – Part 3

Bach Flowers and Astrological Signs – Part 3

We will continue to analyze astrological signs in the light of the knowledge brought by Dr. Edward Bach in his system of Flower Remedies. In the first article, we saw the following signs: Aries, Taurus and Gemini; in the second article, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

Scleranthus e Libra

Libra is the sign of Justice, of people who examine everything with balance. Libra marks the middle of the zodiac wheel and the Autumn Equinox (in the northern hemisphere), an important date for ancient agricultural civilizations. Maintaining balance is the main concern of the natives of this sign, and their indecision is marked. They seek the friendship, harmony and beauty of things, appreciating the arts and research. They are predisposed to social interactions and cooperation. They don't take criticism easily. They are affectionate and affectionate, repaying in a contagious way the love they receive. They get involved easily in relationships, but they can get frustrated very easily, as they retain a romantic view of love.

Scleranthus is the floral that can favor them, as being indecisive, hesitant and insecure, they need to regain balance in order to make decisions. Scleranthus favors concentration and reinforces confidence in themselves, making them externally reflect the harmony they feel within. The floral still helps to balance the mood, pushing away irritability and bringing the acceptance of the natural dynamism of life.

Chicory and Scorpio

Bold, natives of this sign have a lot of self-confidence and do not fear obstacles. This can often make them arrogant and even cruel to those who get in their way. Good leaders have great acumen to run large companies, where initiative is important. They are capable of great contrasts; they keep their feelings inside and appear to be cold and in control, but they can explode at some point, tearing everything around them. They are excellent researchers of the depths of the human soul; in the negative types of this sign, this can lead them to probe the weaknesses of others and take advantage of them. They like to get into fights (especially over inheritances) and have feelings of revenge. In love, they are jealous, they fall in love intensely and hopelessly; in the same intensity, they can come to hate.

Chicory helps to unlock the impulse to pour out Unconditional Love. The floral removes irritation and the desire to control and dominate everything. Badly handled feelings can then be dissolved, warding off the danger of becoming suffocating and possessive. The capacity for leadership is reinforced, pushing their energies in defense of the weak and oppressed, and thus they will fight for praiseworthy and just causes.

Agrimony and Sagittarius

Sagittarius natives know how to focus their attention on the target they seek to achieve. Its temperament is capricious (albeit adaptable) and enthusiastic (although it can often be unbridled). They enjoy traveling and excel in science. They are expansive and optimistic; somewhat reckless, they often fail to appreciate the practical side of their actions, and are soon disappointed. This makes them need a lot of encouragement, although they don't like to let it show. They are good friends because they like to listen and be heard. In love, they enter relationships with enthusiasm, but they have a free and independent spirit. They hardly let marriage monopolize them, as their inner needs are incompatible with a stable relationship.

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Agrimony is the floral that can collaborate with the natives of Sagittarius, bringing balance and decreasing their anxiety. With this, they become more emotionally stable people, without the need to experience new sensations every moment. Agrimony favors interiorization and facilitates dialogue with the Higher Self, bringing true pleasure in life. It works on the need for constant approval from those around them, strengthening their defenses and warding off the intense horror of loneliness, abandonment and emotional loss. That way, they can indulge in a relationship without fear of getting hurt. Agrimony brings back true optimism and joy; with this, it makes the natives of Sagittarius get out of themselves, also improving the perspectives of the people with whom they live.

Check out the entire series Flowers and Astrology

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