Another point of view

    All of us human beings function more or less similarly: we want to get rid of suffering.

    For this, we devise several strategies to “control” the events of life, so that things turn out the way we want or imagine that is the best for us.

    I even think it's legitimate not to want to suffer. So far, so good. It's perfectly understandable. But everything begins to weigh when we think that we have the power to direct the events of life according to our will, and we do not accept them when they arise in a different way than we expected. What happens when that relationship you thought was forever ends? Or when you're taken by surprise when you're fired from a company you've made retirement plans for? What about a health issue that takes you out of circulation for a while?  

    Can I give you some news? We don't control anything. It is not within our competence.

    We are here to grow, evolve, increase the size of our soul, discover potentials, talents, abilities, strengthen ourselves internally and, for that, we often need to get in touch with some challenges that present themselves so that we can become what we really are. . And look: it is not a transformation, but an affirmation of our true Self. We are already what we are.  

    The difficulty comes because we see life as a succession of “good” or “bad” events, where we are happy and grateful for the first ones, and we feel wronged by life and suffer when we are passing through others. But if we can integrate all of them, accept them without categorization, we can change our point of view and understand that everything comes so that our best can emerge.

    Another point of viewAt the same time, I deeply recognize the great pressure that suffering creates. Suffering squeezes, suffocates, compresses. Often, in front of him, we have physical symptoms of shortness of breath, tachycardia, chest pain, trembling and many others of an emotional nature such as anxiety and depression.

    In these cases, what life wants from us is movement, to break the vicious circle of suffering, to seek help, to take a step in our own direction. The moment you do that, that chain is already broken, it's the first step towards healing. And that's what Holistic Therapies propose, to alleviate suffering. Many issues still unresolved, not yet seen and recognized are kept in a part of us that we do not access with our rational mind. The therapies act in a way that access to these issues is done very quickly, most of the time.

    In the face of this, don't make a ceremony with your happiness! We all have the joy of living and we can access it at any time! It is a very powerful force! Despite all the challenging events that test our understanding and understanding of life, they present themselves that way because it's the best way for that moment.

    But if you're really hurt, don't hesitate to seek help and guidance. There are many enlightened therapies, just follow your intuition, the wisdom of your soul and choose the one that most closely matches you and your moment in life.

    And before absolutely everything: be grateful for the opportunity to be alive!


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