AcroYoga: yoga in partnership

    AcroYoga It is a modality of physical exercises that mixes the practice of yoga, with acrobatics and Thai massage. The practice has yogic elements such as discipline, self-control, postures and breath control, and acrobatic elements such as jumps, spins and inversions. From Thai massage comes the stretching and relaxation maneuvers.

    The practice must have at least two people, but the ideal is with three. A person who is on top doing the most acrobatic moves is called a “flyer”. The person underneath, supporting the flyer, is the “base”. And a third person who is watching and helping so that accidents do not occur and checking if the postures are correct is called an “angel”.

    AcroYoga: yoga in partnership

    Each of these functions has its benefits, both physical and psychological. The flyer stimulates your agility, balance, motor coordination and body awareness, in addition to training the courage and confidence you place in your partner. The person on the base works a lot on resistance and muscle strength, especially in the legs, glutes, abdomen and arms. In the psychological aspect, it develops elements such as security, responsibility, patience and voice of command. The angel works mainly aspects of communication, observation, responsibility and attention to assist the flyer in his movements.

    AcroYoga: yoga in partnership

    In addition to the benefits mentioned above, AcroYoga encourages interaction between people in the group and is a good way to develop teamwork skills. Learning to trust your partner can be challenging, but it leads to surrender and mind control that are beneficial for practitioners. We should also point out that the Thai massage movements made during the practices also contribute to relaxation and body stimulation.

    • Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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