A graceful, elegant and sophisticated form of energy work! - Part 1

EMF Balancing Technique® is the energy system designed to work with the Universal Calibration Lattice®, a system in the human energy anatomy. The Technique is a simple and elegant systematic procedure that anyone can learn, utilizing the human-to-human effect on the electromagnetic field. There are 13 Phases of the Technique, each designed to strengthen and work with the Universal Calibration Lattice.
About UCL

You are surrounded by this electromagnetic field that we call the Universal Calibration Lattice®, UCL (Universal Calibration Lattice), a complex system of human energetic anatomy. An extension of our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and an evolution of our chakra system.

Human consciousness, electromagnetic in nature, has intelligently organized itself within this system for our evolution, so that we learn to intentionally direct the energy that we are. Every thought, word, action, emotion and intention you generate has a specific energy. As we learn to work with the Lattice, we know how to organize and focus our energy, managing our own unique personal energy to create the most enlightened life we ​​can.

A graceful, elegant and sophisticated form of energy work! - Part 1Peggy Phoenix Dubro discovered this energy system and started working with it in 1988 and since then they have been using EMF to help people in many countries to direct their energy more consciously and be able to manifest more of who they are.

In your mesh you record your history, your personal beliefs, your perceptions, your hereditary patterns, your developed and latent abilities, your patterns of repetitive actions; your potentials, your hopes and desires, your fears and worries; the balance between what you give and what you receive. Your mesh serves as support for your next evolutionary level.

Working with the mesh supports the development of new skills that help them to express their wholeness, achieving a great evolutionary leap towards conscious personal growth.

This work is carried out in a few phases and stages. Next week, we'll talk about these phases. Wait.

EMF around the world:

  • It has more than 10.000 practitioners around the world.
  • Present in more than 70 countries.
  • In the United States, Canada and Australia, sessions are offered even under Health Plans. Currently, it has also been approved in Austria and Germany.
  • In Russia, it is an integral part of the curriculum of regular courses at the Institute of Integral Psychology. Israel is a subject at the Reidman International University of Alternative Therapies.

Find out more at www.solaraholistico.com

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